Reminton 700 ADL Laminate?????

I was in the local Super Wally's last night and did my usual looking over the guns.

There was a Remington Model 700 ADL with a laminated stock in .270 in the display for $429.

It was a good looking rifle---but I can't seem to find any more info on it---nothing on the Remington web site or catalog.

Since I already have a .270---I was thinking more along the lines of a .300 Win mag----that laminated ADL would be perfect---if I could find one in a .300.

Is this something exclusive to Wally's or a new item that hasn't made it to the catalog yet?? There was no one at Wally's to ask--because as usual----the sporting goods counter help was non-existant.

I'm curious if they even make it in .300 WM----let alone have one in stock.

Thanks for any help.


New member
IF it is made and IF it is a normal gun that wally orders they will order it in for you free of charge, meaning that you will pay the 429 or whatever they have it listed for. Call and get the sporting goods manager. Not that I am proud of it, but I bought a winchester black shadow that way, 300mag for $350 out the door with sling and garbage scope. Put the scope on a 22 and a Leupold on the 300. It shoots really well. I would rather buy from the local guy if possible, but sometimes wally will give you a price that no-one else can come close to.


New member
I've seen these laminated 700 ADL rifles at Wally World too and really like the looks of them. I've got an older 700 ADL in 7mm Rem Mag that I'd like to swap out my old walnut stock for. Does anyone have any ideas where I could find one? I don't even know if the laminated ones even come in 7mm Rem Mag. If they didn't, would a standard long action variety work for me? Couldn't find any on E-bay. :confused: