Remington SPS Varmit .308


New member
Hey guys. I have had this rifle for a few years and am just getting around to really fixing it up. It's stock and needs a little tweaking. I would really like to replace the factory trigger with a lighter one and am thinking about a Timney trigger. Would you go with this one or do you have another reccomendation?



New member

I have a Rem 700 PSS, the trigger is adjustable down to 1.5 lbs. I thought the SPS has the same trigger.

Upgrading the stock to an HS would probably be a good place to start.



New member
I have the same rifle, but the new trigger on it which i really like a lot. But, I put a Choate Tactical stock and its great, however, i am going to have to modify it a bit because it does not fully free float the barrel when it is rested on a bi-pod. When it is held in hand it is fully free floated however.

What are you looking for the rifle to do? Be more accurate? Lighter?