Remington Service Kicks Butt!


New member
People are always posting bad experiences, and rarely good ones about companies. So here's my contribution to the good ones:

Last Sunday I was cleaning my favorite rifle. It's a Remington .22 Speedmaster that I've had since I was 12. I LOVE THIS GUN. Anyway, I completely stripped it down for the first time in quite a while. I was feeling pretty good about myself and how clean I was getting the gun until I realized that I had lost a part. DOH!!!!

I looked high and low without success. I came to the conclusion that I must have flushed it down the toilet with the grime and Simple Green I was using. The part in question was a screw. It is the screw that holds the tube magazine to the barrel ring. A nearly microscopic, but nonetheless important part of the rifle. I then began to feel quite ill.

I immediately ran to my computer and looked up Remington's website. With relief I saw that parts could be ordered direct from them, and that the Speedmaster is even in production.

So Monday morning at 9:01 am I called Remington and asked if I could order the screw. The nice woman on the phone said no problem and asked for my address. She said, ok it would be sent right out., NO CHARGE, not even for shipping!! Now I figured it would not be a huge amount for a tiny screw, but assumed that I would at least have to pay a few bucks. NOPE.

So today, exactly a week later, a little brown envelope was waiting for me when I got home from work. I got out the rifle and put the screw in, as good as new.

Thanks Remington. I am a very happy man :D


New member
Chipperman: take a moment to send them a thank you note. It's always good to reward good behavior...
