Remington scope tap


New member
Well at one point I was looking into a Remington in .308 for a target rifle and had one on layaway and bought a nightforce 20 MOA rail for it. Then I decided to get my XD instead. So I have the rail and I still want a centerfire target rifle to put the nightforce on.

My question is: are there any other rifles out there that use the same length for scope taps as the Remingtons?

Dallas Jack

New member
The long action holes are the same on the Remington and Howa/Vanguards. The short action Remington does NOT fit the Howa/Vanguard. I am only talking about one piece bases, the two piece will work on either. I assume since you said rail it is one piece.

I bought two short action Vanguards and came home both times with a Remington 700 short action Weaver type base. The holes will line up in the front or the back but not all at once.

If you want to use that 20 MOA rail you will have to buy a Remington 700 short action. Or of course return it.
Dallas Jack


New member
Dallas Jack is right, the one-piece long action base will fit either a Remington 700 or Howa 1500, but the short action bases are not interchangeable. Really this question is kind of like saying you have a set of tires and want to buy a car that fits them. You can probably just return the base and buy the right one for whatever rifle you buy.


New member
Hate to say it you'll have to buy a Remington or sell your base for a loss to fund your next base if you can't return it.


New member
Hate to say it you'll have to buy a Remington or sell your base for a loss to fund your next base if you can't return it.

Naw, just means I'm buying a Remington, not a savage :) (well, the receiver anyway)