Remington reduced recoil ammo


New member
Has anyone used the Remington 30-06 reduced recoil ammo? My Grandson wants to go deer hunting and I have a Mod 70 Win. he can use. The other option is to buy a rifle which would be nice to but more expensive.


New member
It's suppose to be the same ballistics for close shots(upto 200 yards,suppose not so close...), I'm thinking about using it in years to come (still have a few boxes of Corelocks to use first). In thick brushy areas like where I live you don't take shots over 100 yards so the bullet droping off after the 200 yards wont affect me. The less recoil can only make second shots easier, not that you should be counting on a second shot.


New member
even though ballistics are supposed to be the same, make sure you sight it in. Your POI will be different, but the drop will be fairly similar once sighted.


New member
I don't think there is any question as to the effectiveness of the ammo, especially at the ranges you are shooting. BUT...make sure you resight. Your point of impact can change drastically. I used to manage a shooting range & sight in hundreds of rifles for customers each season. It never failed, I'd sight in a rifle, only to have someone come in saying I didn't do it right. Only to ask the customer, where's the ammo I sighted in with. The comment, was oh, I switched brands...There's the answer. No two brands shoot exactly the same, even when loaded with the weight of bullet. Different powders burn different, and create different barrel harmonics. So, don't try to shoot to different kinds of ammo. I'd just by a box of the reduced recoil, sight it in, and use that ammo. It will be just fine for the shots you plan on taking.:)


New member
I used managed recoil ammo last year, I didn't get a deer but that wasn't the ammo's fault. At the range however I was very pleased with its performance, so pleased that I went through nearly two boxes of it. I forgot to stop shooting because normally my shoulder tells me when we're done shooting. This is good stuff, I probably wouldn't take it after large game like elk or bear, but for whitetail it'll do the trick.


New member
Youngest son uses that when he shoots his 30-06 because he hates recoil. But with that he can shoot that rifle (for awhile) enjoyably.

I may snitch his 30-06 out of the safe one of these days with some of that and try it out myself. No word yet on when I'm going to get my Remington 700 back from its extractor repair....:mad: :mad: :mad: So I better start practicing with something for backup.


Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
One of the gunzines had a comment about 9" more drop at 100 yards than standard ammo.

Definitely sight in with that ammo.



New member
According to Remington it is 125 grain at 2660FPS with a ballistic coefficient of .267 as opposed to a standard Remington Core-Lokt load like 150 grain at 2910 with a ballistic coefficient of .314.To compare to something, they show a 260 Rem with a 120 grain bullet at 2890 FPS with a BC of.480


New member
One of the gunzines had a comment about 9" more drop at 100 yards than standard ammo

:eek: :eek: :eek: Maybe I should just take a sling and a few rocks instead. They'd drop about the same over 100 yards!!!!

MG Arms needs to hurry up and get my baby back to me in time for huntin season!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



New member
"One of the gunzines had a comment about 9" more drop at 100 yards than standard ammo"

What range was the rifle zeroed at? That doesn't seem possible, even zeroed at 50 yards. Is it possible they were comparing the drop at 200 yards with a 100 yard zero?

"According to Remington it is 125 grain at 2660FPS"

This is superior to the ballistics for a 30/30, albeit with a lighter bullet.
I think you will find that with a higher bc than a 30/30 round or flat nose this ammo will perform better than a 30/30. Sight in at 100 yards and you should be good for typical shots in "brush country". For longer shots, simply sight in for 200 yards.