remington model 7


New member
Expect to pay 400-500 dollars

Or more. .243 isn't too bad, but that same model in .260 or 7mm-08 seems to demand a premium. I managed to get one off of another forum for $500 and was glad to pay it.
yes but only on the older ones. i hate that very few new rifles come with iron sights anymore. i mean what if u accidently knock your scope out of line getting out of the truck???


New member
i mean what if u accidently knock your scope out of line getting out of the truck???

Modern scopes are built much better than they were 40 years ago. It is very unlikely that you can do what you're describing.

Nevertheless, if you're going on a once-in-a-lifetime elk hunt with a few thousand invested, it's only a few hundred more to set up a duplicate scope/rings and take that along as a spare. Then, if you manage to somehow destroy the scope and not the rifle, you swap to the spare and continue the hunt...

Unless you really, really spend time with those iron sights, they are not going to be a good replacement for that scope. :)


New member
I'm going to agree with Estill on this one. I've got a Model 7 in .260 and I use a Leupold QD mount. If I should ever drop it from my tree stand or bump the scope really hard on a tree I can take the scope off, toss it into my backpack, and continue that day's hunt.