Remington Lawsuit Dismissed by Connecticut Judge

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The Connecticut judge who recently allowed the Sandy Hook families' lawsuit against Remington to continue has just ruled that the families suing Remington as a result of the Sandy Hook tragedy have failed to maneuver around the Federal law against bringing such suits. In a 54-page opinion, she destroyed every one of the families' arguments, including that of "negligent entrustment" and wryly rejected their product-liability claims because the rifle "...most definitely worked as intended." She also noted, “To extend the theory of negligent entrustment to the class of nonmilitary, nonpolice citizens – the general public – would imply that the general public lacks the ordinary prudence necessary to handle an object that Congress regards as appropriate for sale to the general public. This the court is unwilling to do.”

Of course, the families plan to appeal. :(:(:(
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