Remington Derringer value?


New member
I went with a friend the other day to look at some guns that a older couple had for sale. They had a number of shotguns, a .22 rifle and a Remington Derringer.

The Remington O/U is in pretty poor condition with the nickel finish coming off and one side of the grip was broken. It also had some rust but nothing more then a little surface.

I did not want to low ball them nor did I want to buy anything at a higher then market value. I did not see a caliber marked on it but, it had a larger then .38 cal camber.

There was also a Wards Western Field .22 in great condition if anyone knows anything on those?

The Remington looks like the one in the picture below.


  • Remington Derringer.jpg
    Remington Derringer.jpg
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New member
That's a up and down & this forum is for round and round...

Might try General Handguns insted..
Or the Crufflers.


New member
You really need to look it up. This is very subjective and Based on many factors. Its best to review on line or take/talk to a qualified appraiser.

A few years ago I gave a price in this forum based on my books and a picture. Well long story short the pistol had a fabrication date NOT part of (within) the desired fabrication date. The gun was actually worth about $400.00 and not the $7000.00 as discussed.

Not too many will be able to give you an accurate price without physical review. The factors (as I have read and learned) are:

1. Fabrication date/dates
2. Caliber
3. Number manufactured at time of fabrication
4. ALL IMPORTANT - Is it a desired weapon?
5. Condition - Has it been touched or original condition

GO on line and review, it will save you some time and heart ache.

Nice weapon though!


New member
Your handgun should be chambered for the 41 rimfire short cartridge. Ammunition has not been readily available for this cartridge for years. Every so often some company will make a limited run of this caliber and asking price per box is in the $50-$75 range. The caliber is very weak and marginal even at spitting distance. Remington produced MANY of this model and most can be found in very good shape since they actually werent used much. Value depends on condition and rarity. Sounds like yours is in near relic condition so I doubt it will garnish much intrest or money.


New member
Thanks guys for the tips and answers. I have looked online and found a few sources but, not being a expert of condition I was unsure if it held any value or not.

There is a site that has some of these guns in pretty poor condition (From the Pictures) that are going for as much as $500. I think I will pass on it as I was not interested in firing it anyway.