Remington and their Stupid A** Ideas!


New member
In another thread I wrote about purchasing a black stock stainless 30-06 from a friend of mine that is having a tough time.

Well, I picked it up today. Let me say it has one of the stupidest azz ideas I think I have ever seen Also, let me say that I would have walked away from the deal if the guy wasn't a friend.

OK, the Remington BDL has this this stupid key that you need to unlock the bolt!

What happens if you forget your stupid key at home or where ever? I can just about imagine staning next to the truck wanting to get ready to go.......No key!

Whose stupid azz idea was this anyway?

Does Remington think they know me, my family and friends better than I do that I need another "safety"?

This thing is S-T-U-P-I-D !!!!!!!!!!!

Who knows how to do away with it, break it, throw it away, or otherwise do away with it?

I suppose someone will post saying it illegal to tamper with. I'm an engineer, I'll figure it out if I need to.

Stupid, stupid, stupid!

Thanks for letting me rant!


New member
The little j-lock thing? Yep, stupid as all get out! :mad:

I have a 700 ADL with that extra "feature". Since it came in the unlocked position, my solution was just to never get the key anywhere near it. So far no problem...

I've heard you can replace the bolt but I forget where I read that. Not much help (other than commiserating). Sorry.


New member
It's called a J Bolt and they don't make it anymore. They did it for a few years as a safety item for folks with kids. You could lock the bolt and kids wouldn't/couldn't get the rifle into battery. You can easily buy a Callahan Speed lock from Midway along with a bolt shroud to get rid of the crap. The spring inside the bolt is crap too which is why the Callahan Speed lock. It will make the trigger work a BUNCH better too.


New member
Hunter: Yes, I have the key

Loader: A little more explaination please

I hate it when someone thinks they know better than you and try to protect you from yourself.

Was this a feeble attempt by Remington's risk managers to "compromise" on gun safety?

This is the first "new" gun I have bought in about ten years.

Who else has this, or similar, chicken crap idea?


New member
Here's a long action assembly from Midway. You take the shroud and firing pin out and replace all of the guts of the bolt assembly. The spring in your current J Bolt is not aligned with the firing pin. You'll see what I mean when you take it apart. Lock time is faster using this part from Midway.

This totally eliminates all of the bad of the J Bolt crap, makes the lock time quicker, and because of the better firing pin spring, makes the trigger far more reliable and can be adjusted to a very crisp 2 lbs. Yes, I have had several of the J Bolts and none are left for me to convert.


New member
leaving it unlocked

What happens if you never lock it?
It seems it would always be unlocked when needed.
I replaced the spring, firing pin and shroud on my Winchester.
Titanium is lighter and spring heavier= quicker lock time.
I can't remember the name but I think it was "Tubb".


New member
J- Lock key

1) its old news, really old news, rem stopped doing it several years ago and only did it for a few years.

2) Rem did it in response to the Lawyers, so don't blame them. Sako did something similar 2 years before they discontinued the Model 75 and went to the model 85

3) you can leave it unlocked and throw away the key and you'll never have a problem. which is what I did.

At some point i'll proably replace it as stated above. maybe next week in fact...

I am completely and utterly convinced that there really isn't anything that is made today that isn't 2 steps above junk. Everything is made with a cost 1st quality 2nd attitude.

ok there a few decent things out there but not many



New member
I recently bought a Rem 673 Guide Gun that has that "feature" also... It came unlocked, and that's how it'll stay, but I am glad to see that I can ditch it for a few bucks!

629 shooter

New member
its old news, really old news, rem stopped doing it several years ago and only did it for a few years.

Right , bought a new 700 last week that does not have it. As well as one last year and another in 2005 - none have the J-Lock feature.


New member

OK so now I am curious. Besides calling Remington, is there a way to date the production of the rifle by it serial number?

Also, let's take this to the other end. Besides fixing the J-lock, what else should I do to make this a really sweet, dare I say it, semi-custom rifle?

Thanks for all the input thus far. As I always say, TFL community is great and collectively super knowledgable.



New member
Here's a mod that is a must on any of my Remingtons.

Once you have replaced the guts of the J Bolt, this will almost give you a benchrest quality trigger. Adjustable to 1.5 as max or once you get accustomed to a real light trigger, adjustable to 8 oz. They have heavier triggers if you aren't comfy with a trigger that light but most folks are comfy with 1.5 start. These can be adjusted to break like glass with zero over travel. Just gently squeeze the trigger and it goes off with no noticeable movement on the part of the trigger. These are not necessarily a drop in. The action pins will need to be honed to fit but a drill and 320 sandpaper makes it about a 30 minute job. You will have to put the factory safety back on this trigger so take LOTS of digital pics of the factory trigger BEFORE disassembly and you won't have any problems. Once you have the pins honed to match the action/trigger assembly, I put finger nail polish on the pins in the holes just to keep them from moving around but that's a personal thang. But be careful with a trigger that's light. You can't hand it to just anybody and let them shoot it. Most novice shooters will fire a shot far before they are ready. Sometimes straight up!:eek: But these triggers will take a novice shooter to a serious sporter shooter quick.

And for manufacture dates:


New member
Loader: I can see (read) you are the go to guy on Remington. Thanks.

Sharps: Thanks to you too.

Do I need a smithy or is are these can-do jobs for a rainy Sunday afternoon. I'm pretty handy with the tools.

Thanks - Craig


New member
Whoa! Chill, dude. ;) Yes, it is an idiotic idea. You don't have to lock the thing, but still. Just order a new shroud/firing pin assembly and enjoy your new rifle.

My BDL is much better now that its lawyer zit is gone. :D

onemsumba said:
3) you can leave it unlocked and throw away the key and you'll never have a problem. which is what I did.
My 700's J-lock would lock up by itself. I could have sent it to Remington to fix, but I opted to ditch the lock altogether.