Remington 9 1/2 LR primers....anyone use them?


New member
Hello all.....
When I generally reload my 280 Ackley, I have only used Winchester LR primers and have had great success in this caliber. However, I have recently ran out of LR primers (actually been out for over a year, been really busy with work and actually forgot about them till last weekend) and cannot find any except Remington 9 1/2's, and was wondering if anyone has had any success with these. Local gun shop is asking $32.99/1K, is that a reasonable price as well?


New member
Price seems comparable to this area (Houston, TX). I've used that primer on some 6.5x55 loads and had no problems.

As always, work back up to the load you previously used with the Winchesters, but the Remingtons I've used have always gone bang.

Hope you have the same good results.

Rusty W

New member
I've been using Remington primers for about 6-8 months now. Both in large rifle and small pistol. I too normally use Winchester but ran out and the local shop had Remington, so I bought'em. They have gone bang on all I've loaded so far. I loaded some .308 & .243's a couple weeks ago. They'll both shoot about an 1" at 100yds. That was good enough for me. The price seems about the going rate these days. I wish I'd bought more Winchester's a couple years ago when they were $20.00 per hundred.

Tim R

New member
The prices of primers are still high IMHO as some people are still stocking up in case there is some sort of ban. Supply and demand.

I can't speak on the 9 1/2's but I do shoot a lot of 7 1/2's in my match AR.

If you are shooting stick powders CCI's are very much worth a look at too.

Once upon a time, I found a great load for my Winny Feather Weight '06 using IMR 4350. I bragged about it at work and got called out. I was out of the load so I needed to load some more. I was out of CCI primers and used some Winchester primers I had on hand. Using the Winchester primers my load opened up to 1 1/2 inches from 11/16 for a 5 shot group.
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