Remington 788 or Ruger 77 ????


New member
I have a 30-06 and 223 scoped bolt actions, and I am looking something between the two. I think I have narrowed it down to my neighbors Ruger 77 in 7mm-08 or the locall pawn shop has a Remington 788 in 243. The Ruger does not have a scope, but it comes with rings, a timney? trigger in the package, and some ammo and brass. It is in great shape, and has had about 100 rounds from the original owner. The Remington is at a pawnshop so the history is unknown, the outside is kind of rough, but the bore looks good, and it comes with a leupold 2x7 vxII. Both guns are blued with wood and no iron sights. The price is about the same (around 250-275) which is a better gun? Better round? It will be used for plinking and varmits, I reload and have dies for both, and from an estate sale I have about 1500 7mm bullets but if I bought the 243 I could always sell them so its not realy an issue. I like the removable mag of tht 788, but the Ruger has the trigger....... what should I do? (besides buying them both)


New member
Well if thats not a problem.

Benefits of the 788
Removable mag
.243 (better for varmints)
Leupold scope

Benefits of the Ruger
lots of ammunition/reloading supplies already on hand
Rings (buy your own scope)
Timney trigger
Excellent condition very little shooting

It think that your probably getting a good gun either way you go. You could always buy the Remington from the pawn shop, take that leupold scope and sell the gun used then take that money and buy the Ruger. I'm a ruger kind of guy so thats the one I'd buy. I think that either way youre getting a good gun and a good deal. Which do you want.


New member
The scope is old, and beat-up looking but leupold's hold up well. If it was a 4x12 I would have already bought it . How much worse is recoil in the 7mm08?


New member
I have a 788, albeit in .22-250. You wouldn't get it from me for all the whiskey in Ireland. Arguably one of the greatest, most misunderstood and underrated rifles ever made.


New member
788 Remington, i dont know of one that wont shoot straight, was reading in a magazine today that the 788 was somewhat of an embarasment to the Rem.700 as far as a shooter. My wifes favorite rifle is her 788, it also fits her better than other rifles.


New member
I've got 2 Ruger 77s and 5 Remington 788s. The 788s are better rifles even without the Leupold scope thrown in.


New member
Don't worry about the 788's looks ... they were ungly half-bro's to the 700 when NIB! Great shooters. I like the 7-08 calibre, but .....


New member
I have a Remington 788 in .223 that will knock to bristles off a nat's arse!!! I believe it has the fastest lock time of any bolt gun made!!


New member
I'm also a 788 fan. Mine is a 7-08 Carbine and it would out shoot my .308 PSS inside of 300. Still has a 20 year old Leo on it and You couldn't buy it from me for $1000, well maybe:rolleyes:

You can always send the scope back to Leo for an overhaul.

Personal I'm looking at a .243 carbine and a .308 carbine to go with mine. 7-08 is a soft shooting hard hitting round and the .243 is not bad either.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
If the primary use of the '06 is for whitetail, the 7mm08 is very close to the same usefulness. A 140 grain bullet compared to 150; 2,800 ft/sec compared to 2,900, give or take a little.

So, I'd go with the .243. Leupold's warranty is lifetime, regardless of owner. The .243, if you're handloading, is great for varminting, and is a good little whitetail cartridge as well.

I'm messing around right now with loads for the .223, .243, 7mm08 and '06. I'd say the .243 is more in the middle of the big and little than is the 7mm08.


el Divino

New member
243 all the way, from both options 243 is merely in between of the 06 and 223 and the Remington model 788 is a great shooter, I own two LH 788's a 6mm Rem and a 308, GO FOR IT, If you are considering long varmit or target shots consider changing the scope maybe a 4-14x40 or a 6-18x40

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Oh, woe, cheygriz, oh, woe!!!

What should I do? My .223 Ruger 77 Mk II shoots tighter groups than my Remington 700Ti in 7mm08!



el Divino

New member
If you are considering long varmit or target shots consider changing the scope maybe a 4-14x40 or a 6-18x40

Or even better, IMHO, a Leupold 6.5-20X50 AO.

LOL. LOL. LOL a $800+ scope in a $200 rifle , I PASS, I do prefer a $200-300 scope, a good option will be a Nikon 5.5-16.5x44 Monarch or a Bushnell 5-15x50 Elite 3200 or maybe any of this Swift Premiers in 6-18x50 or 6-24x50 and if you prefer cheaper, around $100, you also will find BSA, Barska, Bushnell Banners and Tascos Wrold Class

Johnny Guest

Moderator in Memoriam
Once again - - -

A member asks about a choice between TWO items, and first thing we know, someone makes a suggestion that he buy something entirely different.

Don't be bothered, oldcars - - It happens ALL the time. You've been given some excellent information above, exspecially from Art Eatman, concerning the "niche" of your proposed purchase.

Don't get me wrong - - I'm a big fan of Ruger rifles, and the most accurate lrifle I own in an old M77S in .257 Roberts.

On the other hand, the Remington 788 has a FINE reputation for consistent accuracy, in whatever caliber, with whatever load. it actually embarrassed the company - - This "Entry level, bargain priced, plain-Jane" item usually shot rings around the far more expensive Model 700 right out of the box.

I echo the sentiments about the Leupold scope. Once it's yours, you can send it in and get it completely reconditioned for a VERY nominal charge, if not for free.

Best of luck


New member
Well, I went back to the pawn shop and had a real close look at the 788. It has been shot alot, the rifling is getting kind of thin (I used a better light), and the bluing is almost totally missing on most of the barrel, lots of use on the bolt(kind of sloppy) and the scope is down to bare aluminum in a few places (not that it matters) to make matters worse the stock is beat like a bad thing. AND he wont take less than $280. It sounds like the 788 is a great rifle, just mabe not this one. I am starting to wonder if I need the 7mm-08 or 243 or any mid size rifle, I like my .223, and I could always load down the 30-06 with a light bullet, I think the Ruger is a good deal at $250, and I would like to have it, but I need to justify spending the money on it ( and then buying another Leupold..cha ching!!ouch) I know I could buy a cheaper scope, but so far all my scopes are Leupold and I am very happy with them. anyway not to ramble, but if I already have a 223 and 30-06 should I buy a 7mm-08 ? It would be used for mainly varmints. I like softer recoiling guns so that is also an issue with the 30-06( I have heard the 7mm-08 is fairly soft) what do you guys think?


New member
I used a 788 in .308 about 30 years ago.I could hit woodchucks MUCH better with it than with the Ruger 77 or Rem. 700.Excellent trigger pull,VERY fast lock time and an accurate barrel.Go buy that old 788 and use it.You can always get a Ruger.