remington 760 price check


New member
I looked it up in my pricing guide from 2002 and it says $275-300, so I though that sounded low and went to a book store and looked in a newer version of it.... same price in the current one. so is that the true market price? I was thinking it was more like $400-500. I am looking to trade here locally and I don't want to hose the dude but I don't want to over value the guys gun either. its a .270 with some pos 3-9 tasco scope on it. the remington 760 is the pump action rifle that looks a lot like the 870 shotgun if that helps


New member
It depends of course on your area, cartridge, condition, and configuration of the firearm. I have seen them from $275 to $650 depending on condition and cartridge. You can usually pick up a 30-06 or 270 in my area for around $349. The scope you speak of adds no value to the firearm.

The bad things about those books are that they are like the freaking NADA and Kelly Blue Book for vehicles. Dealers want to give you trade ins based on their prices but then they price them however they want. If you could buy firearms for what the value books say I'd buy a rifle a week easy.



New member
remington 760 270. pump

I live in the Midwest and am looking at a Remington 760 pump in 270 caliber.rifle is in great condition and dealer wants 369.00 for it.He is offering me 200.00 bucks trade on my 30/30 Winchester 94 made in 1969.Would anyone beable to help me decide if this is a good deal.Winchester is at about 80% condition


New member
The 200 bucks trade for the 94 is made up so that he can sell it for 300. Keep it and just buy the 760 outright, it is priced right.