Remington 750 woodmaster


New member
I just recently bought a 750 woodmaster in .270. I've been flirting with the idea of buying one for some time and finally gave in. It seems i've always been drawn to the Model 7400 design. I've heard some good and bad things about this rifle, but it looked sexy as hell sitting there at the gun store so the rest is history. Some say that it is a much improved design to the 7400, and some wouldn't touch one with a 10 foot pole. I'm taking it to the range tomorrow, hopefuly i'll be satisfied. I've always hunted with a bolt action so i'm excited about trying a different approach this year. Anyone have any thoughts on this rifle. BE NICE..:D


New member
I'm interested in the 750, too, but I haven't puchased one yet. I'm interested to hear about your experience with it. I've found several reviews and forum posts about it, but they're all either a couple years old or referencing first-year production guns.


New member
I too was once interested in the 750. I liked it's looks and it felt good. But after
doing some research on the internet It seems a lot of people were having
issues with jamming and stuff. I was hoping that Remington had fixed the problems but I found out that was not the case. I work part time at a gun store
and about a month ago a young lady brought one back she had just bought
from us 2 weeks earlier. She was having issues with jams and FTFeed. We took it back and got her into a Browning BAR Short Trac. Thats what I bought
also. I just didn't want to take a chance. Others report no problems at all.
Roll the dice ! You might get a good one.