Remington 7400 Will not reset Hammer


New member
My son's Remington 7400 will not reset the hammer after each round.

It will eject the old round, extract a new one from the magazine and completely chamber a new round. The hammer remains up though.

I notice that when I charge it empty the hammer resets. When I charge it empty with the trigger pulled the hammer stays up. This makes me think "dis-connector" or whatever the Remington equivalent is.

Any ideas on the most likely cause and easiest fix?


New member
I had this happen a long time ago with a Remington 7400. It was because I had removed the trigger group from the receiver and when it was reinstalled I did not index the disconnector with the bolt. Because the disconnecter was not functioning the hammer would follow the bolt home after each shot, but it could be reset by cycling the action without firing. If this is the problem it is the disconnector not being properly indexed.


New member
Strangely flyer was correct. I went and checked and sure enough last time he cleaned it had gotten the end of the disconnector on top of the end of the sear. "Wahlah" and we are back in business. Thanks all.


New member
Well, the disconnector has a little flex to it. Get the other arm in behind it and they switch places top to bottom.

Then the confusion starts. :D