remington 715 any good?


New member
ive never heard of the 715 but if its anything like the 710, stay away. i held a 710 at walmart awhile ago and the action on the thing was horrible. it took way too much effort to get the bolt in and out.


New member
it must be a cousin to the 710 because the price is about the same. can't find a single review on google(never happens).. agree with ya about the 710:)


New member
Never handled the 715, don't know much about them. Was looking into getting a 710 in .243 a few months ago and all the fellas at Cabela's forums warned me away. I handled one in the store and had the same opinion as psdan000, action was crappy........


New member
walked into my local wally circus to look at a 710 in .243... POS!!!! I think the 715 is equal but never heard of it. gunsamerica has one NIB for $300... think I'll give it up. 700ADL is no longer made, no hinged floorplate is the only difference. would like to find one


New member
if you're in the market for a cheap/good rifle check out the mossberg 100 ATR. i have been 100% happy with mine. only complaint is the synthetic stock isnt very good if you are going to put a bipod on it, i would recommend a metal sling stud to put in there. other than that the action is great, trigger pull is very acceptable and it groups very well.

The Gamemaster

New member
The 710 line of Remington rifles was made for the price conscience consumer - cheap bugger.

I have not heard any rumors about a 715 - But I bet that it might just be a 710 custom order gun with maybe syn stock and camo of your choice.

( Real Tree, Mossy Oak etc.)

There is nothing wrong with the 710 rifle, just that they cut corners and cheapened it up a bit to make it more of a gun to compete with the Savage Model 110 that has been kicking their butts in the $300 - $400 price range.

Yes they still make the Model 700 Rifle and their latest sales catalog shows more than 20 different offerings for the Model 700 including 3 special order guns. All of them over $1000.00

Ya'all need to quit shopping at Wal Mart for firearms.

Like my daddy says - you get what you pay for!


Cut corners and cheapened up a bit? That's like saying the Titanic had a problem with leaks! The receiver was soft steel, the stock amazingly cheap, the bolt had plastic parts, and the receiver had plastic inserts just to make it run. It was such a turkey that it lasted what, 5 years? What other major firearms company produced a rifle that had such a short run? The Savage was kicking Remington's butt in the cheaper market with a rifle that was comparable to the 700. Early 710's were actually priced five cents higher than the 110! The 710 was akin to Picasso drawing an X on a piece of paper and shoving it to the crowd. It must be fine art, it is a Picasso!

Personally, I thought it pretty brazen that Remington even offered it. I can't think of another product from another company, from razors to cars to tools that was such a cynical, almost insulting, play for a market based solely on name recognition. Savage produces a product of the 700 caliber but at a cheaper price, mostly because of the more cost-effective barrel mounting and using a blind magazine. And, when Savage introduced the Stevens 200 in a kind of one up to Remington, at $100 less than the introduced price of the 710, it proved that Remington was, quite simply, playing the shooting community for fools.

Alrighty then, the 710 is gone, replace by the "improved" 770. They discarded the grey stock and are now dealing with black, like all other synthetic stocks out there other than the Stevens 200. Let's see how long the 770 lasts before they rename it or drop it altogether.

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New member

The new Remington catalog doesn't have the 710 but does have the 715....

It looks like the 715 is an revised version of the 710.

If it's low enough priced and works well enough, I have no issues with the design concept. The execution on the 710 was not good, though.




New member
Speaking of the Remington catalogue...

I was drilling through their 2007 lineup, looking for the 715.

What I found was a rehashed 710, now called the Model 770. When will they ever learn? They even have the cajones to say it's "based on the Model 700"! Yeah, I suppose you could infer that because it is made by Remington and is a bolt action rifle... :barf:

Look on page 11 of their 2007 rifle catalogue:


I think the trigger is the same as the 700. The action certainly isn't.

It's based on the 700, then. You know, like some movies based on a book. For instance, Clear and Present Danger, except everyone who dies in the movie lives in the book, and everyone who dies in the book lives in the movie, etc, etc, etc.



New member
thinking of getting a savage or howa(japan).. savage/stevens does not have accutrigger but thinking a smithy can fix the trigger, or put a timney on the stevens. which puts the price up there with howa. american gunmakers seem to have much better customer service if you have problems. the only thing I'm sure of is: bolt action in .243(have kids)... where did the 700adl go?? I'm ok with blind magazine and they had a good price:( .. snooz you looz I guess

The Gamemaster

New member
On another forum - PA, There was a kid that was a college student that bought a Model 710 and thought it was the cats meow.

I kept my mouth shut because for some people - if that all they care about is the price. It might be a good gun.

For people that shop at Wal Mart, in my opinion that is the last place I would go to buy a rifle. From what I hear, very soon they are talking about not selling firearms anymore. So the main point of sale for crappy firearms will have to go someplace else..

But I would take a Savage Rifle any day of the week over a cheapo Remington.

I had a Model 116 fss 7mm Rem, something or another that had a muzzle brake and I shot two deer with that gun with two shots..
I lost my hearing, shooting it in my treestand during a rain storm.
I gave that gun away - sight unseen for a Remington Gamemaster (06') and I traded that gun for a Weatherby (300 Weatherby mag) and I gave that gun away for a Enfield (06') and I traded that gun for a Browining A Bolt Medallion (270 Win Short Mag).
Out of all of the buying, selling and trading - the best gun I owned out of all of them was the Savage-7mm Remington MAG!


New member
where did the 700adl go

it was replaced by the 700SPS (special purpose synthetic) it has a hinged floor plate. you could buy an after market stock and make it an ADL. or just put a piece of duct tape on it.....