Remington 700 vs. Savage 10FP


New member
My next purchase is going to be a bolt action .308 rifle,And I have read up in my gun magazines,Searched the web and compared prices.And am down between the Remington 700 ADL synthetic stock,And the Savage 10FP also with synthetic stock.The price seems to be about the same for both rifles,So,I'd like some opinions.



New member
The main difference is the 10FP is a heavy barrel rifle while the 700 ADL is a light weight sporter. Prices may be similar but the rifles aren't really.
I just received a Rem 700 VS .308 and am very impressed. It would be a more comparable rifle as it has a heavy barrel similar to the savage. If you do some looking, you can find one for about $560 new, and dont need a new stock or trigger. JMHO...


New member
This all depends on what you want the rifle for?

If you plan on stalking deer or any Hunting that requires moving about, go for the Remmy. It should be quite a bit lighter.

If you will be sitting still take the heavy barreled Savage.

I have the 10 FP, and couldn't be happier. For the money I feel it is the best buy in rifles. The trigger can be worked on by yourself following some on-line stories. Search around for an article by Claude Gatewood.

The stock, well let's just wait and see who makes the best aftermarket stock. None reach out and grab me yet. I don't particularly want a tactical style stock, and the Super Sniper is not for me.

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
My Preference?

Remington 700 BDL, with the traditional wooden stock!:D
I just don't think long gun's get much better looking?

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member


New member
The Savage would be my call. Both my 110FP and 10FCM required some trigger adjustment, but it was not difficult and directions are available, see as one source. My Rem's have been good rifles, but did not perform any better.

The stock and trigger on the Savages catch a lot of flack. Being a user and abuser, I'd have say that it's a bit overblown. Custom quality and fit requires a custom rifle, no matter what factory puts it's name on the gun.

Depends on what you want...
Buy the remington. there shouldnt even be a question of comparing a remington to a savage. thats like comparing apples and oranges. The remington is a better gun period. The trigger is better than a savage and they are more accurate. besides, the fact that more law enforcement and military agencies use the remington than anything else should also tell you something. if that doesnt, the fact that more custom guns are built on model 700 actions than any others should.


New member
the 700 adl is not even a heavy barreled rifle... you cant compare out of the box accuracy of a 700adl with that of a 10FP.. the 10FP will outshoot the adl all day long..



New member
And as much as I like my 700 Police, I'm not sure I would stand behind the statement 'Remingtons are more accurate than Savages' either. The two rifles I've probably shot the most in the last three months are both Remington 700s but my Savages keep right up with them accuracy-wise.