Remington 700 vs 770


New member
Really how much better is a Remington model 700 ADL than a model 770?? Everyone says the 770 is terrible but is it really?? Is the 770 worth the price? Will it shoot everythime? How bad can it accually be!!!???

Pat T

New member
Depends on what you want. Nice wood stock or poly. Shoot three hundred rounds+ a year or no more than that over 40 years?? This is what determines 710 vs 700. If you want a lot a ammo downrange with a nice stock then go for the 700. You want a pickup truck gun that won't shoot more than ten rounds a year then go for the 710, that's the market they are aimed at.


New member
Apples and Onions! Absolutely no comparison. The 700 is a classic, even if it has had some issues as of late.


New member
It's already been said. A 700 action versus a cheap sloppy toy. If a bargin rifle is your wishes, the Ruger American is a good one, God Bless


New member
The 770 is a piece of junk. I do not dislike cheap rifles, but I do dislike junk. 783, TC Venture, Savage Axis, Savage Axis II, or Ruger American are all good economical rifles. The 770 is just junk.


New member
X2 on what Reynolds357 said..

Cheapest ive seen 770's for is about $240 .. 783's which are a way better rifle are $280 obo with free shipping at Buds Guns. Its a well spent $40 upgrade for a 783 over a 770/710.

The majority of my rifles are synthetic stocked 700's but I did buy a 783 last year and havent been dissapointed yet. Accuracy looks like it will be as good as my 700's.


New member
I got a 710 in partial trade several years ago not really knowing what it was... After owning it for awhile I began to notice things about it that I did not like one bit. Weird, sloppy action to it... ugly stock, and just didn't seem like alot went into building it... Sent it packing, applied it in trade toward a Smith 686 and haven't regretted that one bit. The only thing I miss about it was the cartridge it was chambered in, 300WM... Want to get another 300WM on the rack, this time a FW or Sporter...

I now own a synthetic stock 700 ADL, with the non-fancy, non-recalled trigger. It was my only deer rifle until my recent purchase of a Winchester Super Grade. In my opinion, the 700ADL is 100 times better than that 710 was...It has been amazingly accurate and reliable for me. Put quite a but of meat in the freezer with it. Great little workhorse.

If I was looking for an economy rifle, I would be looking seriously at a Savage.

Do they even make the ADL any more?? I may be mistaken, but I can't seem to find it on the Remmy website...


New member

I am the third owner of the ADL I mentioned above. My brother gave it to me as a gift several years ago, and he traded something for it with a friend who bought it new.

I am told it was a Bass Pro combo. Still has the Redhead 3x9 on it, and it still works very well! :) I seldom have to make any adjustment from year to year, and if I do, its just 2 or 3 clicks.

And I am told the combo cost around $450 new as well... Bought around 2000-2002??

After my experience with it, I think $450 was a heck of a deal! It's not real pretty, but it functions great.... Only issue I have is that the plastic trigger guard has cracked around one of it's mount screw holes.


New member
I wouldn't own one simply because I like better guns. However, two of my friends have them and at 100yds they shoot under an inch and they both kill bucks with them every years. They don't shoot other than that and it's just fine with them. I guess it just depends on what you're trying to do with the gun. Kill deer? No problem. Have fun and enjoying shooting and load development? Probably not the right gun for the job.
Cheap guns

The 770 is a throw away rifle, the barrel is pressed into the action rather than threaded, those 300 hundred dollar rifle are what they are. If you buy one and it won't group worth a darn don't complain!! I should add you usually get what you pay for, just how cheap a rifle are you willing to settle for is the question!?? I own Winchester model 70 bolt guns (3), A Winchester model 94AE lever big bore, Winchester 9422TD that is one of my favorites, (2) Ruger Hawkeye bolt guns. I normally think of a firearm (now) as a lifetime purchase, once I purchase if it doesn't meet or exceed my expectations I get rid of it quickly. I have a total of 11 long guns and am looking for #12 which will be my last, I have no idea what it will be but I'll know it when I see it!! I know some of this sounds ugly but I purchased some of the cheap rifles when I was young and couldn't afford what I really wanted then I couldn't wait to get rid of it. Take the time to select and if needed put off purchasing until you can afford the right rifle that may be a life long hunting companion!! William
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New member
Yes ride red, $450 sounds like a heck of a deal for the Rem 700 and yes the one thing is I've heard is that plastic trigger guard it breaks easy.


New member
Personally I would rather have my 1955 721 then a 700 with the recalls.

The 721 is part of the most recent recall. As are all Remington bolt rifles except the 788 made between 1946 and 2012.

But the problems with the 700 series CAN be corrected. The 770/710 series of rifles are disposable rifles. But to be honest, for the guy who shoots a box of ammo per year they will probably last a lifetime. While not of the best quality, accuracy seems to be pretty decent.