Remington 700 ADL stock cut open to BDL ?


New member
Hello, I was wondering if anyone here has ever converted a wood ADL stock to fit BDL bottom metal? when holding the stocks side by side it seems like it would be pretty simple, just carefully cut open the bottom of the stock and inlet around the foreward action screw, is that it? I know I will also have to mill down the ADL magazine box a little.

James K

Member In Memoriam
Well, I don't know how simple it is, but that is exactly what needs to be done. Leave the magazine box until last; you might not have to do much at all.



New member
Hey guys, thanks for the replys. After much thought, I just ordered a new BDL mag box (it was only $11) and a new Boyds stock. I think I'll just sell the ADL stock, I was never crazy about the factory checkering anyway and by the time I sand it down and re-shape it a bit I might as well start with what I want and get some money out of the factory parts to help offset the new purchase.


New member
Wise decision, trying to inlet to BDL configuration would have driven you crazy and probably not turned out to your satisfaction. Sell the ADL stock and recover some of your costs.


New member
The first deer gun I bought, after I was discharged from the service in the mid-60's, was a .243 Remington 700ADL that I converted to BDL as above soon after I bought it for $95 OTD. :D

I ordered the BDL bottom metal (TG/FP) only, directly from the Remington Parts Dept, for about $20 then IIRC - because the mag well liner & follower springs were the same for either ADL or BDL.

It took about 30mins to cut out the floor of the blind magazine well in the wood stock and inlet the bottom metal satisfactorily.

I later used a DemBart checkering tool, run in the impressed checkering, to convert the negative/pressed checkering to regular, positive checkering diamonds.
THAT took a little longer than 30mins. ;)



New member
Any of you guys wanting to sell a 700 BDL short action stock let me know, I am looking for plastic but wood might be ok.
