Remington 552 .22LR takedown


New member
I have a Remington 552 Speedmaster .22LR. This nice little rifle hasn't been cleaned in years and is completely filthy. I found the takedown instructions here. The instructions say that the barrel can be removed from the receiver. For the life of me I can not figure out how this is done.

Does anyone have one of these rifles that can tell me how to clean barrel, bolt, and carrier?


New member
You must remove the barrel from the receiver to access the bolt.

Pull the trigger group out (no real need to fully disassemble that) and unscrew the forearm screw. The barrel/bolt/recoil assembly should then slide out the front of the receiver.


New member
Knock out pins to pull out trigger group... GO.

Unscrew forend screw forend slides loose... GO.

Remove barrel from receiver... NO GO.

The barrel will not budge from the receiver. Am I missing something? Maybe the barrel is crudded in? Should I start marinating it in Hoppes#9?

This is without a doubt a Remington 552. I have studied the takedown instructions closely and recognize all the parts.


New member
Yeah, that seems like your next step now.

In my experience, that action can get pretty crudded up, but I've never had it quite that bad.

I love the 552, though. Only recently have I lost access to my father's and I really, really miss it.

You removed that little stamped receiver plate, too, right?


New member
It is a very nice peice. I only wish I could get it back to smooth cycling operation.

I have removed the little receiver plate as well. As I said everything that can be taken down was done as per the manual. The only thing that will not move is the barrel. It must just be crudded in. I don't think its ever been cleaned.

Is Hoppes the best choice or should I use WD-40 or BreakFree to solve this problem? I've never had a barrel crudded in before because I clean MY weapons like you're suposed to do;)