Remington 1903


New member
A few days ago, a friend aske me to clean up, shoot, and evaluate the rifle he's been using for his 'hog rifle'. He showed up with a 1933 Springfield 1903. Well, that gave me the bug. I already own a Rem 1903A3 and a Smith Corona 1903A3. Today at a local gunshow, I picked up what looks like a dandy little Rem 1903 in full military dress for $450. I was honest with the old guy and told him that I thought he should be asking much much more for the rifle (he was asking $500). We talked and hobnobed for a while and he said that since I was a decent feller who took the time to sit down and talk with an old guy then he wouldn't take a dime over $450 from me. No, this didn't make sense to me either. I told him that these things were bringing $900 to $1500 in these parts, he just asked if I would shoot it, hang it on a wall, or turn around and sell it for a profit. I told the guy I'd certainly shoot it and keep it with my A3's and Garand. He said, "Well then, I'd just as rather you have it than anybody else." So that's how I got my first 03 today.

The bbl is marked 3-42 and the SN dates to 2-42. Before today, I had no idea 03's were still being produced. I thought everyone had begun producing the a3's by that time. Oh well, learn something new every day.


New member
I never saw any Remington 03's until the CMP started selling those Greek 03's. I was able to buy two receivers at Camp Perry from the CMP, and have handled a couple more barreled receivers since then.

The books say that Remington built these rifles on Rock Island Arsenal machinery. How much machinery was useable, I don't know. But I do know that of the receivers I looked at, the later the receiver, the more "A3" machining I see. The original 03 receiver had a lot of non value added cuts and profiles. Take a look at the profiling around the bolt stop, and compare with an A3 for example. You can see those disappearing, in stages, on the later Remington 03’s.

If you look in Hatcher’s Notebook you will see that WWII receivers were made from WD2340, then 4045, and 8620. Probably the O3’s were 2340 and 4045. These receivers are built of good quality materials and without a doubt given a good heat treatment.

The workmanship of the Remington 03’s is better than the A3’s. Compared with a Rock Island or a SA the Remington 03’s show more machining marks and the surface finishes are not as precise. Does not effect the function of the rifle though. I built up two all correct Remington 03’s on my receivers. They shoot fine. A Remington 03 barrel is a good barrel, and a rack grade Remington 03 or A3 is more accurate than the average rack grade Garand.


New member
With Greek M2 ball ammo- my Rem 03A3 2-Groove is nothing short of amazing. A buddy of mine (with lots more time on his hands than I do) has taken it to Camp Perry the last 2 years and has done exceptionally well (top 10% of 3000 or so of the Springfield match). Some day, and I don't care what I tote along- I WILL figger out a way to get to the National Matches.

I'm anxious for a little range time to see how the 03 does. I ought to work up a reload for it, but I don't know if I'd be able to use reloads or have to use what is offered at the match. Or heck, this rifle may be a bust and might not perform well at all- won't know till I tries it.