Remington 1100


New member
I am hoping I can get some tips here. I have an 1100 that is having feeding problems.

Here is what is happening: The carrier is not Automatically lifting the shell up to the bolt to be loaded. With the bolt forward I load 3 shells in to the magazine tube. I pull the bolt to the rear, the 1st shell pops out of the magazine but the bolt does not go forward. I have to push on the button at the bottom of the carrier to load the shell. Sometimes the 2nd shell will load but not always.

Here is what I have done:
1. Replaced the Magazine spring
2. Cleaned out the Magazine tube
3. Cleaned the Follower, it moves freely in the tube when the spring in removed.
4. Detail striped the gun and cleaned and oiled it.
5. Cleaned the trigger assembly but not dissembled except to work on the carrier.
6. Oiled the gun to spec's

I think the problem is in the Carrier. It looks like the spring that pushes on the Carrier latch is pushing too hard and not letting it release. I would like to know if I am going in the right direction and if Anyone thinks I may need to cut a coil off the spring. I have filed and smoothed the surface where the Latch connects to the carrier.........Any Thoughts

Some background on this gun: I got it used and in bad shape. I have been working on it and plan to make it my shotgun for 3 gun matches(Back up Gun) I have replaced just about everything in it that wears except the drive spring and I have one on order. The carrier in the gun was bent so I replaced it. It would not function when I got the gun(I paid $100 for the gun). I am not a Gunsmith but I know my way around guns and have worked on mine and kept them running for years. This is my 1st foray into the 1100 so I am a little hesitant to do anything major. I have a good gunsmith I can take it to but I like doing things myself.........Thanks in advance.......sam


New member
If I understand your post correctly, that is what an 1100 will do. Lift a shell from the mag tube and you have to press the release on the botom for it to feed onto the chamber. My Berreta 390 works on the same principle, the shell is lifted and will chamber only when the "release" button is pushed.