Remembering Why We Love Firearms,

Dr Big Bird PhD

New member
With all of the tired threads, relentless arguments, and frightening tone the last month and a half has taken on these forums, I thought a little bit of why I originally joined TFL. I am young, 22 years old, and have only shot about .1% of the amount of rounds many of the members on here have.

There are some of you that are Mods or veterans who have been posting for ten years now. There are some that joined within the last two weeks, hoping to console themselves with like-minded people among the hysteria. Then there are many many more who have joined in between, for a variety of reasons.

But all of those reasons basically come down to one thing: The love of firearms.

So, I ask you TFL, put aside the emotions and fear. Remember what brought you to love guns. What was it?

The first time I fired a rifle was when I was 8 years old. I was at Camp Balcones Springs outside Marble Falls, Texas. It was a stay away camp for 2 weeks that I went to once a year during the summer until I was 17. During the week, each cabin of 16-18 kids went down to the range at the far end of the property and learned to shoot bolt action .22lrs.
There was a wooden patio about 20 yards from a giant rocky hillside with a similarly made overhang. We were given a "trust" buddy, a blue mat, 10 rounds of .22lr, and a rifle. I couldn't for the life of me tell you what brand or make it was, but that didn't matter. I was taught proper etiquette:
-Always be in prone on the mat when firing
-Safety ALWAYS on unless you are ready to fire
-The muzzle pointing down range and hanging off the edge of the platform
-Bolt open and chamber empty when moving the rifle to and from storage point upwards
-When cars and trucks drove by everyone stood up, leaving their rifles unloaded with the safety on, more than 5 feet away from them.
-Not a single person has ever been hurt here as far as I am concerned.

I did this every year until I was 17. The fourth day of camp that year, I kissed my first girl ever. It was on that very same rifle range bench. (We ended up lying in the proper prone position as well :D)

A few months later I shot my dad's Rem 270. I then used my uncles 30-06 to kill my first buck. 10 point, 186 lbs. One hit about 3 inches above the shoulder blade. It was at that moment I realized the true appreciation for firearms. It put things in perspective, and I have never looked back.


New member
Yes, I long for the day when the most contentious subject was 9mm v. .45ACP or if the SERPA holster was truly dangerous.

I cannot remember one specific thing that got me in to guns, but growing up in the South I guess they are just part of the culture. I remember shooting Dad’s shot gun at a pretty young age and how it hurt my shoulder. I remember getting that Nylon 66 for Christmas and what a thrill that was. Also, remember shooting endless .22lr at Scout Camp I was the kid that spent his snack allowance on bullets instead of ice cream.


New member
Nostalgic post and inquiry. None of my immediate family members hunted or shot. Mostly no interest. I had other relatives that hunted and fished. I wanted to do it so bad I couldn't stand it. I finally managed to work out a deal to get a deer rifle, A single shot 20 guage soon followed. A marlin 22 auto a little while later. The shotgun turned out to be what I used the most. The 22 got a workout because it was cheap to shoot. Stiil have all three of those guns. That was a long time ago. The one gun was purchased at Western Auto Parts.

Alabama Shooter

New member
I don't love guns. I love God, my wife, kids, some other people and my country. Guns help me to provide for and keep the last few safe. In a utopia there would be no guns. We do not live in a perfect world.

My appreciation for firearms extends to a profound respect for their usefulness in a myriad of tasks.


New member
I grew up immersed in the shooting/hunting culture. My family also has a strong military tradition as well.

My Grandfather left me a Sportsman 58 when he passed away, but being a tad on the young side, the gun set un-used for awhile.

Later, my Father gave me a Ruger 10/22 with the boat oar stock and a tasco scope. I was Gunny Hathcock in my backyard. First kid in my Troop to get the rifle merit badge.


My appreciation for firearms extends to a profound respect for their usefulness in a myriad of tasks.

I like most of my guns the way I like my DeWalt table saw- they are so very usefull....

Some of them I like even more, as they are heirlooms, from some of the finest people I have ever met.

Others, I don't even particularly like, as a tool, but I love what they stand for: the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.