Remember the "Neighbors shootout" on video?


New member
Several years ago, there were two dumb rednecks (in GA or AL) that were having some sort of driveway dispute. One of the rednecks (the skinny weasel type) set up his "cayamcorder" in the treeline, and staged a "cawar wreck" with the other redneck (the big fat nasty plumber's butt type).

When the two cars bumped each other, they both got out and argued, "I got my guun" "I know you got yer guun, I got mine too" Then they proceeded to shoot it out, until the Plumber's crack redneck was dead. The weasely redneck was arrested and tried, but eventually got away with the whole thing. (reasonable doubt based on the videotape. Plumber's butt's firing hand inched forward 1/2 second before Weasel fired from off camera)

Can anyone remember the names of either of these genetically challenged individuals? I can't find a single word about it anywhere online, and I want to find that video BADLY so I can share it with some "Yankee immigrants" who don't believe we actually do such things "down hyer".

Any assistance is most appeciated.


New member
Lot of thing go on down there....I used to live in TN.

Strange lot of people down there.

I remember one guy who bet me his sister...I won.

And another girl that had to pee so she squatted down by an open car door on the side of the road.

...I was already occupied in the back seat...but looked on nonetheless.

Strange lot...that was about 40+ years ago.

Yankee boys better not try bluffing those girls...they mean business. :cool:


New member
You mean like the time a few years ago the state sent some Game Commission reps here to listen to hunter complaints about how deer permits were issued? Most of the hunters were either drunk when they got to the local firehouse which was the meeting place or opened the bar to get drunk during the meeting. Stupidity by so called responsible gun owners is not confined to any one area. :barf:


New member
i believe I've seen the video - it was on FX or fox IIRC. I don't remember any names being given. I think one of the men had a 4 to 6 inch revolver, though. Sound like the right video?


New member
Bastiat - yeah, that's the one... 4 or 6" stainless revolver in the hands of skinny weasel guy, Big fat plumber's butt guy had a 1911 (I think).

Keep 'em coming, and I'll find that DARNED video... then I'll post a link for all to view :D


New member
I think it was done by the same people who do 'cops' - or maybe it was narrated by the sherrif guy. I did a search yesterday for john langlely productions, who produce 'cops', but couldn't find a site for them.

The next time I see it running, I'll have the videocap software running.