Rem R1 Enhanced High-cap?


New member
One of my friends asked me if I've seen an R1 Enhanced High-Capacity model. First I've heard. I know Remington took over/bought Para Ord, but haven't seen or heard of a high capacity model. Any info on this?


New member
No specific information on that product but Remington design and quality has proven to be an issue. I'm thinking of the 9mm R1 Enhanced 1911 cycling issues, the Marlin lever gun fiasco, the R51 bomb, etc. I would not consider any new Remington product until it has been thoroughly vetted and proven reliable. I probably still would not buy because of the awful Customer Service they have.

Here's a link o another active post you may want to read ...


New member
Here we go again with the "I don't own one but heard from others" crap. I own quite a flew Remington products including R1's, R51, RM 380, Several Bushmasters, etc, etc. All are fine weapons that are reliable and well made and being shot on a regular basis. To answer the OP, yes Remington did acquire Para but so far they have not ( to my knowledge) done anything with the company except dump existing stock on the public, I believe CDNN bought everything as they have had super sales on Para guns and parts.
At the SHOT Show in January one of the Remington people told me they would be coming out with "improved" versions of some former Para-Ordnance models. They changed something for sure, because he told me that the magazines will be different, and may or may not interchange with Para magazines. (Really? You make them, and you don't know if they interchange?)

My view is, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." Para-Ordnance built good guns. I've owned half a dozen or more of them over the years, shot two of them in competition without ever encountering a stoppage, and I still have a couple that are in my carry rotation. Considering all the problems Remington had when they came out with the R1 (I mean, the 1911 design is over 100 years old, all they had to do was follow the blueprints! How hard is that?), I can't see how it would be smart to take a chance on a new Remington double stack. Maybe after they've been on the market for a couple or three years, IF they don't have reported issues, but not right after introduction.


New member
Aguila Blanca, I agree that the 1911 is over 100 years old and all Remington had to do was follow the blueprints. Remington has proven that they can't do this. For proof look at the Marlin lever guns which were proven to be a well designed rifle and built to a high quality standards. Remington takes over and they sell the new Remlins as they are called with barrels not aligned, and other issues, they ruined a well established design and rifle, they still can't make a descent lever gun after years of trying. Then there's the R%! fiasco, anther proven design they can't seem to build now.

I also am a Para fan and the whole Para line has been and will continue to be ruined by those wonderful folks at Remington. I know I wouldn't buy one since my life may depend on it one day. I do still carry my Para Executive Carry some.

I currently have a Remington R1 Enhanced 9mmm that I bought last December and it has been in the shop now for the fifth fix and I can't imagine they will fix it this time. Simple problem is they put a 45 extractor in a 9mm pistol and even after telling them what the problem is they refuse to replace the extractor.


New member
Extractors are easily replaced, the intelligent thing to do would be the purchase and replacement of the part yourself. Seems odd you would continue to utilize a service you have so little faith in.