Rem 870 strike 3


New member
I am selling my Rem 870 Tactical and buying a Mossberg 590A1. I bought the 870 about a year and a half ago. After about 6 months the powdercoat finish began to bubble up and flake off. Then the extractor began to slide passed spent shells, leaving me to dig them out. I sent it in to Remington to get fixed and they sent me a whole new reciever. I was happy about that, didn't think gun manufacturers doled out new guns for lemons. Well, I took my new Rem 870 out last week and more problems. Every 2nd or 3rn spent shell would jam in the chamber after being shot. I had to slam the butt on the ground while holding the forend in order to get the shells to eject, and on a couple of shells the extractor actually ripped the rim off the shell. I am done with this shotgun and hopefully will be the proud owner of a mossberg soon and be rid of my lemon Remington.

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Another one of so many problems with the current production 870 shotguns. Welcome to the club. Sad that Remington is shipping guns with poor fit and finish.
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New member
I had that exact same jamming problem with my cheaper NEF Pardner. I sent it in and they fixed it for the most part. My Mossberg 535 has never ever failed to eject.


New member
I'd have to agree EdInk, I too thought that the Rem's felt more precise than the Mossbergs which is why I bought it in the first place, but from my experience with my Remington 870 lemon (well, 2 rem 870's) , I'm moving on. I rely on my shotgun as a HD weapon and will not tolerate a shotgun that has proven twice to be unreliable. I just recieved my Mossberg 590a1 (20in barrel, adjustable stock, gr sights, s&w bayonet) and am looking forward to many thousands of shells being shot reliably out of it. By by remington, hello Mossberg.



Is this another issue where steel base shells were used and maybe there was a slight burr in the chamber? Have you polished the chamber with 0000 steel wool and some oil? Try different ammo? Just thinking out loud what others found and had to do


New member
Good question- What brand of ammo, exactly?

Because I've used both an 870 and a Mossber 500 and have never had any issues with either.