Rem.760 hard to extract


New member
I bought a used 760 carbine in 308,cleaned up gun(scrubed chamber with chamber brush)fired gun action locked up.I got shell out by banging butt on ground.gun chambers and extracts unfired shells with no problem.Anybody got any tips?

George Stringer

Staff Alumnus
James, if it's leaving the fired case in the chamber but the bolt is still cycling it's either the extractor needs adjustment/replacement or the chamber could still be dirty/rough. If it's pulling the case out partially but then closing again, short cycling, then the gas system may be fouled. George

George Stringer

Staff Alumnus
DUH! (Smacking forehead) I'm in the middle of a couple of 742s with similar problems. One has a blocked gas system and the other needed the extractor adjusted. George


New member
hard extraction

did you see any scratches or bright spots on the fired brass? This would indicate a burr or rough chamber in that area.

Also, were these hand loads ?

If they were, it is just possible that they are too hot for this rifle.


New member
New ammo.First shot was South Africian Mil.(clean).Thought it might be the S.A.M.,but it does it with win. and rem. too. all cases look good.Also chamber was degreased.I'v cleaned chamber and lugs again today,shoot it tomorrow to see if it will work.James


New member
the mechanism

I'll betcha that there is some malfuntion in the unlocking part of the mechanism that freezes the action because of recoil.

I doubt that it is because of high pressure because it that were the case you couldn't get the brass out by banging the butt on the ground.

Please let us know what they find at the gun shop.