Reloading Wolf cases...

Yoosta B. Blue

New member
Hey Guys,

I went to the range this morning and had a great time with my shooting buddy. In the process of picking up the brass that I was interested in keeping, I picked up a bunch of pinkish-copper colored Wolf .380 brass. (I've never seen any of this stuff before today.) My first thought is that it looks like something that I can clean up and reload. Then I got to thinking that I'd better ask whether it is reloadable? Your help is appreciated. Thanks! :)

Yoosta B. Blue
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New member
I would check to make sure it is boxer primed before you go and break of a decaping pin on your resizer die. I would not reload if only copper washed since steel is too hard and may damage your dies.


New member
I wouldn't risk it. Wolf is generally a non reloadable shell, that is why it is cheaper. Kinda like the Blazer aluminum.

Yoosta B. Blue

New member
Thanks for the replies, folks. After doing more research on these Wolf casings, I see that reloading them is a no-no. So it's off to the trash bin they go. :barf:

Yoosta B. Blue