Reloading non-crimped shot shells.

Death from Afar

New member
I have a mountain of S&B .410 cases. They are a non-crimped laod, with a cardboard disc at the end of the round that stops all the bits dropping out. You can relaod them, I guess by squashing the plastic flat, but is there an easier way of reusing them , or are they definatly "one offs" which would be a shame.


New member
Perhaps a roll crimp tool?



New member
Yes, that would be it. How would such a gadget work?

The roll crimper is spun against the plastic or paper shell. It takes a considerable ammount of down force AND rotational force to do a good job. Therefore, a drill press is best. You can do it with a 1/4 drill motor, while holding the base of the shell, IF you're built like a gorilla!:D:eek: The .410 would be easier than the 12 guages I do.

The heat of the crimper spinning against the shell casing is what "turns" the end of the casing over inside itself to form the crimp. Of course you know that a over-shot wad is required? The above link to precision reloading should have a source of over powder wads. If not, look at this site, they also have the roll crimper.