Reloading for the 217.49mm X 3785.41cm3


New member
Reloading for the 217.49mm X 3785.41 cm3

Doesn’t really fit anywhere so I thought I would show off the lowest cost projectile launcher I have reloaded for.

I had a little time to play today waiting on a delivery, so I put together my 217.49mm X 3785.41 cm3, hauled it and a few hundred feet of air hose out of the garage to the “range“ and went through a few rounds. Using 40 gallons of air pressure launching a 16 lb (112,000 grain) bowling ball.

I didn’t have time to chronograph the load I used but even if it were only moving 1.5 FPS it would beat IDPA/USPSA “major” power factor making 168. If it were moving at a modest 50 FPS it would be making 5,600 PF.

The unique triple hollow point design makes it less than ideal for rabbit, squirrel and other small game due to unnecessary meat damage, maybe I’ll find an old foreign car or something.

You’ll have to click on the photos to play the videos.



120 psi

40 psi
