

New member
Hey guys, I was out at the range today with my newborn 9mm CCO. I needed to align the sights. I didn't get as consistent poa=poi as I had hoped with this pistol, so I'm still wondering about that. But I can say that it is reliable as heck. I got no FTFs or FTEs.

My first 16 shots were 4-5" low, all be it, +/- 3" from vertical center. I was resting my forearms on the table (no sand bags available - idiots the range shot them up :mad: ).

I stood up after that and shot my more comfortable and natural stance. Each mag had a different personality, in a matter of speaking. Much of them were low, yet fairly centered vertically. Then I had the top right bullseye, everything was actually dead on there...everything in a 3" diameter circle.

I don't know. I'm not a good enough shot to tell whether the gun did fine or not. I was only shooting..mmmm, 10 yards out or so I think, and I only shot not even 50rds. I had to share the range with Mr. Target Shooter Revolver Guy and Scarey Guy with a Molestache so I couldn't get into my rhythm with them. Plus there was a wierd flock of teeny tiny black/greyish colored bugs that kept crawling on me. So, I rapid-fired off the last mag and packed up. I'll go back again, HOPEFULLY I'll be the only one there, and no bugs. Like I need help with a flinch :eek:

But the one thing I did feel comfortable with was the reliability. That's what I was going for with this project as it would be the big bear to handle. I did try to keep tolerances as tight as I thought I could during the build too. I figured it couldn't hurt. We'll see.


New member
why didn't you have mr. taret guy try shooting you gun to see if it's sighted in. Always the best advice is to have a good shooter who can call their shots to shoot the gun. At least that takes out the possibliblity of the guns errors.


New member
Because he and Mr Molestache were together. I didn't feel comfortable with them. Is that reason enough? Hey sorry, but when you're a lone 5'3" female and 110lbs soaking wet, you think about who looks scarey and who doesn't :eek:

I would like to have a better marksman shoot to give his/her input. But I'd want several folks to shoot it for an all around consesus and results. It doesn't seem completely logical to have one person say "yes, it shoots good. Or no, it sux" for reasons that you don't do an experiement with one variable and no control group and expect to yield anything other than speculation.


New member
i have a mustache, and look scary to some people and I am a target shooter, but if a petite woman were to approach me and talked about guns, I'd be the friendliest person in the world!
In fact, I'm surprised that they didn't even start a conversation. In my area, when strangers are at the range we always introduce ourselves right away.
I'm alway happy to see women shooting at the range.

The fact that they were at a range, I would surmise that they were somewhat serious about shooting. Now if it were at the local rural rock quarry where any nut could shoot, I would be more worried. I always go to public or private ranges or shoot on private land for that reason!


New member
I'll agree with you on one point. When I first started to train my horse, I had nothing to go by. Was it me, or the horse. After training a few horses, I could see what was peculiar to one animal or another.
Yet you don't need five trainers to see if that horse is peculiar or not. One good trainer can tell from their expeience if that one horse is good or not.

Same way, that a experience expert class shooter can pick up any weapon and tell you if it's sighted in, or a piece of junk. Very few guns are pieces of junk, they just need some TLC or shooter input.
My friend and i were shootin at the range. All his shots went down and left. I picked it up and shot four shots into the ten ring and one into the 9. Gun sighted in. I gave him my gun, which was sighted in, and he shot low and left. Resuts, the shooter's errors. Gave him some dummy load exercises and watched him flinch in anticipation of the shot, so the reason for the low was discovered. But whether he could fix it is another story!


New member
I understand Shorts completely ...

Rule #1 for me ... if you aren't comfortable with a situation, listen to that voice! I often shoot at a range on BLM land (80-90 minutes from home ... I'd love to live somewhere more rural, but that's a different deal) and there have been occasions where I made sure that one of us was standing next to a loaded weapon when the rest went downrange to change and inspect targets. The other ("strange") folks hadn't done anything specific, but I just didn't feel 100%. IMNSHO, you don't have to be female, 5-3 OR 110 lbs for this rule to apply. Some ranges always attract high quality, confidence inspiring folks, some never do, and some ranges change with the weather.

Glad to hear that reliability looked good and I for one am also glad to hear that someone listens to the that little voice ... situational awareness is a good thing in my book. Besides, there's no hurry in getting accuracy feedback on the new project ...



New member
HVR, I figured you'd have a mustache. There are lots of good-lookin' guys with mustaches. That was just one piece of his description I listed. Bottom line is, I didn't feel comfortable with them. Of course I know I can walk in with a cute pair up top, a tight pair behind me, a pistol on my hip and get a look or two ;) But having that doesn't mean you blaze into a situation without assessing it first :eek:

Anyhow, I'll get a folk or two to try it out and see how it goes another time. There are some other guys I've run into several times before and I'll ask them.


New member
Yes, you should always follow your insincts!
And I'll talk with texas women, but i wouldn't mess with them eitherr...

The only point I was trying to make is that by finding if the gun is accurate in anyones hands, it really gives you the confidence that the gun can be worked with. If a shooter has doubts about the equipment, it WILL affect their shooting!

Just because someone else can ride my arabian, doesn't mean I can!LOL


New member
Glad to know that at least a couple of ladies are able to recognize and heed The Voice. Truth is, it will never lie to you. Call it intuition, gut-feeling, whatever. It never lies.

Good for you, ladies. Btw, Shorts. I'm sure the gun is fine. Excellent project. Congrats! :)


New member
Shorts, the bottom line here is the gun works. There are many that have hung a shingle as PRO-fessional gunsmiths that couldn't have done your gun and had it work let alone be safe. Congrats, the rest is just detail. You'll get it where you want it, it just might take a little time.

Oh, and LMAO at molestache. I hadn't heard that and it gave me a good chuckle.