Reliability of semiauto 22s

Doc TH

New member
I have a general question for FL Forum members. It relates to the overall reliability of SA RF rifles. I have refurbished a Norinco 22 ATD that used to belong to one of my sons. I gave him my Browning ATD, as a good dad will do, and re-worked his old Norinco ATD. I improved the tubular feed and carefully polished all the bearing surfaces of the bolt and receiver. I took it out for a range test and found the following:
trigger pull marginal (no surprise, I didn't polish the sear or firing pin bearing surface);
accuracy was quite good 1 - 1 1/2 inches offhand at 25 yds with open sights and older eyes;
had two failure to feeds in 100 rounds.

This rifle has not been shot a lot, so the FTFs might be partly due to inadequate "working in" of the parts.

I recall very few FTF problems with the Browning, but that may be old, optimistic memory. So, my question is, what is a "usual" or accepted/acceptable observed rate of misfires (FTF, FT eject, etc.) of semiauto .22s? It seems to me that 2% is on the high side. What have you observed to be the rate of malfunction in your rifles, e.g., a Ruger 10-22? Any observations would be welcome.

For the record, my "usual" .22 rifles are a Marlin 39A and Remington 511, which have never failed.



New member
depends on ammo. My ruger 10/22 made in 1965 is always flawless with CCI ammo but will sometime fail twice in one mag with federal bulkpacks. remington golden bullet is better but i will usually get 2 failures per hundred.

I clean my rifle about every 200-500 rounds or so.

i think you will find most folks will tell you to find out what brand ammo your gun likes. each gun is unique.


New member
Well in the case of the 10/22

Allot of it depends on the magazines being used. With clean factory ten round rotary magazines the 10/22 is very reliable, with no problems for hundreds & hundreds of rounds. It is only after the magazines get fouled with powder residue that you may see a FTF. Out of a factory barrel failures to eject are equally as rare, but I have had failures to eject while using after market barrels.
the remington golden bullet ammo available in my area is covered with some sort of waxy coating that remington claims is a lubricant. it chokes just about any semi ive shot it in including a 10/22 with factory and aftermarket mags, walther p22, several differnt marlin bolt actions and even a NEF sinlge shot (gummed up the ejector). Over all my 10/22 is very reliable as long as it is clean. dirty semis dont function that well, especially with the low impulse power of the .22.



New member
Well, I've shot over 5000 rounds through my Marlin Model 60 (and I got it slight used), tested every kind of LR ammo I could find for accuracy.
Out of all that I've had maybe (I forget exactly) 5 FTEs (stovepipes).

Which would leave us with a .1% failure rate.
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Doc TH

New member

Thanks for the observations. The Norinco was very clean at the time of my test. I was using CCI minimags which have been most reliable in my SA pistols and the 10-22 that I used to own. But, you are right that the brand of ammo is a major factor. From your combined experiences, it sounds as though FTF should be very uncommon with at least certain brands of ammo. So if my 2% figure is accurate, I need to try something beside CCI. Or give up on the Chinese rifle.