

New member
Up until a while back I haven't had very many problems with flinching or anticipating. the only thing is I have started anticipating and droping/raising the barrel some. This happened after a Accidental Discharge a few months back.
What should I do to try to break myself of this unwanted reaction? I would appreciate any ideas.



New member

Have a friend load a couple of magazines for you, placing 1 or 2 "dud's" or empty cases randomly in the mag (best is to load a couple of cases without powder and with a spent primer, or use a snap cap).

When you hit these "duds" you will be able to evaluate your shooting technique and assess flinching.

Also, when shooting, go slow. Focus on the front sight and slowly apply pressure to the trigger. When the gun goes off, it should come as a bit of a surprise. Go nice and slow, never rushing, and eventually you'll stop flinching.

Try these, and post again if the problem doesn't clear up.


Nothing threatens freedom so much as self rightous ignorance.


New member
Dry practice a lot more than you shoot. When you shoot, don't overdo it, and don't be imbarrassed about dry practicing on the firing line. Most experienced shooters know that accuracy is not born from a knee-high pile of brass. The purpose of firing live rounds is to verify your dry practice.


With 40+ years of shooting I find I am somewhat sensetive to recoil at certain times and with certain guns. When I was real honest about it, it wasn't recoil but muzzle blast. Few shooters separate the two and they should. I can fire my Series 80 .45 with "normal" ammunition as fast as I can pull the trigger and never leave target. Not long ago I tried some Fiochi and the stuff had an incredible muzzle flash/blast. I was all over the paper. The slugs were the same velocity as the others. When you deal with recoil and toss in the shock to the senses of the blast and the flash to the eyes it sure magnifies the impact it has. Probably more mental than physical, but I have at least identified my own problem. Might be others as well.