Relatives and guns


New member
Have you ever had a relative that keeps nagging you to sell a particular gun to them at rock bottom price? I have too many cousins or in laws that expect me to provide a gun to them just because they like it. :eek: And these are the ones that won't even bring a nice bottle of scotch when they come over, I have to open mine. :D I usually just keep the safe close for them when they ask what new guns did I get. josh


New member
Never relatives, but I have friends that do that. I have a 6" SS Python that a friend wants me to trade for a S&W 686. How many ways can I tell him NO? Same with my tuned/accurized Combat Commander. If you want one, go buy one at the store!


New member
Yeah, my family members nag me about if they can borrow one, ---- You got so many, can't you just let us borrow one, it would still be yours, you can come over and pick it up whenever you need it.:mad: Yeah right, if I let everybody borrow my guns, I would not have any left----------well remember when you saved up your money and bought that entertainment center, well you should have bought a gun instead!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


Nope. My brother had to ask me to *quit* giving him guns a few years ago, because he had no more room and no use for them. Just not a problem for me.


New member
Want a new Bro FF? :D
Yeah that happens in my family as well. But those ones that only take and never give dont get jack *%&!! I have no problem whatsoever with the relatives and friends that are not users. We swap guns, camping gear, etc.


New member

Ya, I got a brother-in-law that borrowed my .222 Rem for deer season and it took 4 years to get it back! And I had to travel to Arizona to get the thing (from Michigan) That is the last time I am lending anything to relatives. They can buy them at the store, just like I had to. :mad:


New member
Nope. My brother had to ask me to *quit* giving him guns a few years ago, because he had no more room and no use for them. Just not a problem for me.

Well are you taking applications for brothers?

I find that if someone asks about a gun of any type, name the price you would part with it for and don't back down.


New member
No relatives, some friends. I have a neighbor that wants whichever one of use lives the longest gets the others military rifles. Problem is that he takes better care of himself. On the other hand he does have some nice rifles.


New member
Nope. My brother had to ask me to *quit* giving him guns a few years ago, because he had no more room and no use for them. Just not a problem for me.

I'd be glad to help you with that problem. Just PM me and I'll tell you the address to send them to:D
One of my old landlords told me: "I'll show you my rifle but everyone always wants to buy it when they see it. You have to promise not to try to buy it."

It was a beat-up lever action junker in .35 Remington with at least a 15x scope on it (maybe 20x or more, it was HUGE).

I had no problem keeping my promise.


New member
My brothers and I sell guns to each other fairly frequently, at cost or slightly less for depreciation. I've given a couple rifles away to friends as well, birthdays and such.



New member
Here in NY I have placed all my handguns on both my permit and my father's permit...and now he is under the impression that he is part owner of a few of my favorite handguns. He ' borrowed ' a colt woodsman for over a year, I had to physically go over to his house and take it back when he wasn't there. He called up and asked me ' hey, did you take my colt? " He's not allowed in my safe anymore.

I have loaned out several firearms to family members but am always clear about the fact that it is a LOAN and the I want it back after a certain period of time.


New member
I'm sure we have relatives that goes beyond the boundaries in other ways. I just don't get it when some of them thinks that I have an unlimited source of guns. Don't even get me started about some with guns, but know I have reloading equipment. "Did you say 500 rounds you needed in 40S&W and not 100?" OK let sit at my loading bench for about 2 hours and and crank those out, using my components. Oh let's go ahead and sip my nice bottle of scotch while we are reloading. :D
Note that the consumption of alcohol while reloading is a joke.

I agree that I should've started this thread in the Gen Discussion area. Apologies to the Staff.



New member
Have you ever had a relative that keeps nagging you to sell a particular gun to them at rock bottom price?

Nope. Not a problem. I HAVE had a relative (SWMBO's brother-in-law) sell ME (well, really SWMBO who gave it to me as a present) a gun at a rock bottom price, but there wasn't any nagging or begging involved. We are all capable of finding our own guns and making our own deals. Besides that, we are all scattered about all over the country, there just isn't that much in the way of opportunity.

There was this one rifle (a Savage 99 in .300 Savage) that belonged to my grandfather that, on his passing, was the object of both my and my uncle's desires. Since he was the eldest surviving of the family (he is the eldest son, I am the eldest grandson), I figure that it was rightfully his, so I gave it up to him. Yes, I had it at the time, but it wasn't "Mine". Sigh, that was a nice rifle.


New member
My cousins can be a little annoying when they keep suggesting I make lots of modifications to my guns. Such as my tactical cousins who feel the need to mount a bunch of useless things on a pump shotgun. I want my shotgun to look like a shotgun and not a Swiss Army knife. :D


New member
Have you ever had a relative that keeps nagging you to sell a particular gun to them at rock bottom price? I have too many cousins or in laws that expect me to provide a gun to them just because they like it.

I'd rather share my toothbrush.

My guns are mine. I earned the money for 'em and bought them for me. The only people who have received guns from me have been my significant others and those were gifts to them.


New member
Just my dad and I , we're always swapping guns . The only time one is given away is when I come across a 30 Carbine variant he doesn't have .