regulation of fixed sights


New member
OK, I am going in debt more and more. My last three purchases have been revolvers(most recent a pre-10 2").
Sight regulation on these old smiths have been very good.
I briefly owned a 3" gp100 but traded it off due to it grouping left of center (5") at 15yds with several brands of ammo and handloads tried. Was this just a quirk?
Any gp100 fixed sight users out there that can tell me how well their sights are regulated?
I would like to put another gp in my stable but another local shooter I know had the same problem with his 3" gp100.
I know the simple solution would be to get the 4" adj sight model.


New member
It requires precise calculation and precision machining to have a barrel tightend to proper torque AND have the front sight align properly.

Or, as often done, smack it with a hammer to lean it in the proper direction.

If at all possible, shoot before you buy.



New member
Another manner of regulation...

is to use a small, fine file to open the rear sight in the same direction as the impact is to be moved. That is, open up the right side of the rear sight to move bullet impact to the right.

Impact can be moved up by filing off the front sight. Raising bullet strike is difficult.


New member
I understand different correction measures that can be taken to adjust impact.
Main info that I was looking for was to see if Ruger is generally not as precise as s&w when setting the sights at the factory.
I have limited experience with ruger fixed sight models as compared to smiths.:)