Registering a gun?


New member
I have a quick question. I have a gun that was originally owned by my father. He purchased the gun from a dealer and went through the whole background check rigamaroo. I know Alabama has no registering laws.

My question is this: when my dad purchased the gun, was the gun registered in his name on any databases or with the fbi or anything? My concern is selling the gun to someone and them commiting a crime and it showing up registered to my dad.


New member
I don't know the laws in your state, but if it has no registration, the gun was never "registered" to anyone. The 4473 is kept on file by the dealer who sold him the gun. That could be the only record of transfer for that firearm.

T. O'Heir

New member
"...selling the gun to someone and them commiting a crime..." If they can prove they're legally allowed to own firearms you're fine. Make a bill of sale with the buyer's pertinent info in two copies. Keep one. However, as long as the buyer is legal, you are not responsible for their actions.
"...FBI background check doesn't register..." No, that's really just a check for criminal record and mental health treatment. The original ATF form is defacto registration though. They're not supposed to keep them, but they do. It's how they knew who had purchased .223 rifles when those criminals were killing people in the DC area.

Jim Watson

New member
If purchased at retail in the last good number of years, the gun was registered on the form 4473 that the dealer is required to keep forever and to surrender to the feds if he goes out of business.

There is no central registration database but a gun can be traced to its last sale by a licensed dealer in a matter of hours because everybody in the business is required to keep records at every change of hands.

The FBI knew that he bought a handgun of some sort on that date, but the dealer did not give them the make, model and serial number. They are not supposed to retain the record of the background check if the sale is approved but I would not bet good money on that.

Prior to the Brady background check with 5-day wait, Alabama had a two-day waiting period and a registration form at local or county level. Alabama dealers submitted those forms for some time after Brady went in until the requirement was dropped in favor of the longer federal waiting period and defacto registration by 4473.

All you can do is as T O'Heir says and get a bill of sale. That would be ample protection in most all cases.

10 MickeyMouse

New member
a gun can be traced to its last sale by a licensed dealer in a matter of hours because everybody in the business is required to keep records at every change of hands.

There's a paper trail from manufacturer to original purchaser. But if the original buyer sells the gun, the trail ends-even if he sells it to a dealer. Yes, that dealer will have that particualr firearm on his books. But if the original purchaser or subsequent purchasers either don't remember or won't divulge who they sold that firearm to, there is no way to track it down.


New member
If it makes you feel better.

Take the gun to a reputable gun store and have them transfer the gun for you. Most shops will do it for $20 where I live. If the person says that he does not want to reregister the gun then I would have second thoughts about selling it to him.
The least I would do is make a bill of sale. With the date, type of gun, serial number, both names and driver license numbers and signatures.
And don’t worry about it.
But remember one thing, selling a gun to a person with a felony record in some states is a crime.