Register - You or your gun?

James K

Member In Memoriam
For anyone in Maryland who is not registered to vote, tomorrow (13 October) is the last day to register. The choice is yours, register and vote or register your guns.

Some of the latest ideas center around big taxes. Al will be able to say he doesn't want to take away anyone's right to own a gun, but if there is maybe a $10,000 a year tax, no one will be able to afford one except Al's rich Hollywood friends.



New member
Jim , the 10,000.oo you refer to was figured
on a gun collecter regerstering his 200 gun
collection at 50.oo per year per gun.

200 guns times $50.oo ea is 10,000.oo per year,...... if you wish to retain your gun collection by federally registering it which would be manditory with severe fines, confiscation and incarceration resulting from non compliance.

If you only own 10 guns times $50.oo each
is $500.oo per year to federally register
your guns which have already been registered
with your state of residence dept of public safty or state police by the federal firearms
licensed gun dealer when you bought the
gun(s) from him.

This was a proposed senate bill this year which did not pass but it will be back and if Gore is president, he will sign it into law if it passes through congress.

The writing on the wall looks most grim.

No fate but what we make; therefore,it is up to us to make sure it is...."NOT SO."

This is the danger that Gore poses to the
firearms community.

[This message has been edited by ernest2 (edited October 13, 2000).]


New member
Quantity laws are an excellent way to get people who know nothing about guns, yet don't want them banned, to get on board.

You may get someone who doesn't own guns but doesn't want to ban them to agree: Yeah, you can have some guns but you don't NEED more than one a month.

Or you don't NEED more than 10,000 rounds of ammo (even most gunowners wouldn't be hit by this).
