regent r200ss 4 holes or 5?


New member
those of you that have seen more paper than i have
4 or 5 ? i hope 5!
im pretty sure of the first 2 but the last one? ( i see a double ring on the top hole but maybe im to hopeful)
these are 25yds supported




Mal H

5 on the first target, probably 5 on the second, and only 4 on the third. Use actual targets or target paper and that will take some of the guesswork out of it. Typing/copier paper tends to tear just as you can see in your images.


New member
cant hardly afford targets :)
there is normally plenty of good dry cardboard at the range
but this trip what was left was all wilted from the humidity
so i had to make do
ill be bringing some fresh next week


New member
Agree. 5, 5, 4.

I've seen plenty of people buy cheap paper plates and use a clip to hold them on a piece of backing.

Heck when I was a kid, this type of target and a crayola marker was the only thing I used to practice with or sight in with. Just go to the dollar store and you are set for a long time for super cheap.

Pro tip: Use a contrasting color for the backing, but not black since it will be difficult to tell where your strays go.


New member
paper plates be the answer
25yds 230gr LRN
im still a lousy shot
but here is the best of the day




real easy to see and work with!!