Refinishing a pistol


New member
I'm considering having a 1992 Colt M1991A1 refinished. The pistol is a dull grey color. I was quoted a price of 65 bucks last year for a pistol or $85 for a rifle when I had a gunsmith examine my inherited Winchester 94.

Could someone fill me in on the basics?

I understand that bluing is actually controlled oxidation (a form of rust). Pretty, but not long lasting.

What is 'Parkerized'?

How about chrome? (that was offered as an option on my '94, but I declined).

Are the DIY bluing kits any good?


James K

Member In Memoriam
Parkerizing is that "dull gray" color you have now. DIY bluing kits are OK for a quick touchup, but the blue doesn't hold up well, and I don't consider them any good for a whole gun.

If you want a blue finish, have the job done by a gunsmith, but remember the work involved in removing the Parkerizing, which is much harder to remove than bluing.

Alternatives are chrome, nickel, black chrome, and some other coatings your gunsmith can advise you on. Some can only be done in a big shop and involve sending the gun away.
