Referbishing a old .22 Stock.

mitchell koster

New member
Hey all.

I have a old german voere .22 thats a little beat up in terms of how the stock is atm. I was wondering if anyone has ever stripped back the vanish and re done the finish on an old wooden stock?

Its a great little rifle and I really want it to look like new, any ideas oppinion, past experiences, pictures of b4 and after shots, or thoughts would be muchly appriciated.

Thanks and stay safe.



New member
I've done a few old stocks. Some I sanded and refinished. Others I used a chemical stripper(I like citrus strippers) and then refinished. Walnut just needs finish on the clean wood but other hardwoods are often very light in color so a stain may be appropriate. For finish I prefer Tung oil-just rub it on with your finger, wait a few hours and do it again-repeat until you have several coats. it will GLOW.


New member
On many of the older stocks, the varnish can be removed by using lacquer thinner and rubbing it with a rag. It sure beats sanding.


New member
Many people will not spend the time and effort to refinish a 22 just becasue they do not consider them to be "serious" rifles. The Voere is a high quality rifle and deserves a fine refinishing. Strip the stock with paint stripper (I usually recommend Citristrip, but I don't know if it is available "down under"), sand, steam out any dents, and refinish with a good linseed oil finish.