Reducto ad absurdum


New member
I recently thought of a new way of forcing blissninnies into a logically-insupportible position. (Well, it's new to me, anyway, in case someone's already been using it...)

Suggest to them that all of the metal detectors be removed from all of the airports. They'll look at you like you're out of your mind. Ask them why we need the metal detectors. They'll tell you that the metal detectors are needed to prevent weapons from being taken onto airplanes.

Tell them that federal law prohibits weapons on commercial airplanes, so we don't really need the metal detectors, because why would someone take a prohibited item on board? (Here it'll help if you can contrive to look innocent and baffled).

Wait for them to go on about how laws are ineffective, and how criminals will disobey the law and how it's therefore necessary to take preventative action to keep people safe.

Ask them to confirm that they don't think laws work to prevent crime and keep people safe.

Then ask them why they want more gun laws, when laws don't work to keep people safe.

Watch them get irate and spiteful.

Tell them that private citizens carrying guns is precisely the same level of precaution as metal detectors at airports; it's a means of defense from criminals who have already chosen to break the law.

Invite them to go shooting some evening.

I doubt it'll work often, but if it works at all, it'll have been worth the time it takes to try it...
