Reduce Crime -Ban Hatchets


New member
From the WSJ

Hatchet Man
"Members of a Southern California family escaped unharmed Thursday after a hatchet-wielding man barged into an Orange County home and assaulted his former in-laws and his own 10-year-old daughter before being felled by a single shotgun blast," United Press International reports from Laguna Hills, Calif.

This story points up the need for more-stringent hatchet-control laws. The power of the Hatchet Lobby is such that in most states, anyone can buy a hatchet--there's no waiting period, licensing requirement or even limit on the number of hatchets you can buy. Don't get us wrong; we're not for a complete ban on hatchets. Contrary to the "ax nuts" at the National Hatchet Association, responsible hatchet control poses no threat to legitimate wood-choppers.