Redneck neighbor

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Don Rac

New member
The mailbox was the funniest **** I've seen! I saw this a while back, I just had to see it again for another good round of laughs!:D


Member In Memoriam
You have no idea!

We lived next to "some people" for a while. Ended up, after about two+ years dealing with anybody in the town who'd give a rat's bu++ at all about it!, scraping their entire homesite with about 5 zoning, DPS, animal control, yada, yada, ad :barf: till we were their worse nightmare.

Ha! & then we moved.

& don't even ask about Their Wizard Protector From Down The Street .... talk about Hell!

Funny now though ... ;)

Bud Helms

Senior Member
As funny as this is (and this is one of those times I really hate to do it), it is also obviously off-topic.

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