Redhawk or Super?


New member
I will soon be adding a .44 mag to my Ruger collection. It'll be SS with the 7.5" barrel, but I can't decide between the Redhawk or Super Redhawk. The Redhawk is more visually appealing to me, while the Super's extra beef seems to make functional sense.

Which model would you buy, and why? (There are many other fine makes, but I am interested in Ruger comments only please).


New member

I bought the 7.5 inch ss super redhawk about 3 months ago. It had an adco red-dot scope on it. This gun kicks ass. It quickly became my favorite. My brother calls it 911 because whenever we take it to the sandpits the cops always come and tell us to leave.
I shot the regular redhawk in .44 at the local range and I noticed the recoil was a little harsher. The added weight in the super model helps to tame this.
Good luck and choose wisely.



New member
Have 4 stainless Redhawks, all calibers (.357, .41, 44, 45C), with the 7.5" in .357. the rest 5.5".

Suggest the ease of carrying the 5.5"ers' more than makes up for the (very) slight increase in sight radius and velocity, and the balance is, IMO, much much better in the Redhawk.

The SuperRedhawk is nice (if you like 'em BIG) but you should notice that Bowen and Linebaugh both do most of their conversions on the regular Redhawk. Plenty strong enough for whatever you'll use it for.

"All my ammo is factory ammo"


Member In Memoriam
Depends on what you are gonna use 'em for, and if you intend to 'scope 'em.
The Redhawk is as strong as it needs to be and is on the edge of being carriable in a regular holster, shot DA, and serving as a general purpose iron-sighted hunting or sport gun. Redhawks used to come with cuts for the Ruger 'scope rings on the barrel rib. When the Super Redhawk came out, with the 'scope cuts on the heavy frame extension, it seemed obvious to us that the weight of a barrel-mounted 'scope on the Redhawk caused problems that the factory didn't want to deal with: hence the new design. All current Redhawks are missing the 'scope cuts, you will find.
My shooting pard likes his 'scoped Redhawk, and just traded for another with the cuts for a backup, as they are still seen now and then.
If you are going to use the gun 'scoped, and carry it in a wheelbarrow...get the Super.

If they take our guns, I intend to let my hair grow long and acquire the jawbone of an ass.


New member
Actually, you still can get the regular Redhawk with the scope cuts on the barrel. Not only is it still in my dealer catalogs, but if you go to to Ruger's website you'll find it listed there with a (+) sign. If there are problems with mounting a scope this way, I've never heard of any.


Member In Memoriam
Grapeshot: Thanks for the correction. My pard and I were just discussing his gun(s) Sunday, and he suggested that because the Redhawk barrel has to handle the whole support of the sight,that there may have been problems with the lighter guns tossing mounts or loosening barrels. For sure, the long heavy barrel shank of the Super RH provides a much more secure anchor for 'scopes.
I didn't know Redhawks were still catalogued with the cuts...the guy at our gunshop, who usually doesn't BS, told me that, and I passed it on without checking Ruger's site.
I still prefer the Redhawk for its portability.
Thanks again for setting me and the others here straight. :)

If they take our guns, I intend to let my hair grow long and acquire the jawbone of an ass.


New member
Slabsides, just happy to be helpful. I think you are right, the Super is better for scoping. And those cuts in the barrel sure ugly up an otherwise fine looking gun, IMHO.