Red jacket zk-22 stock for 10/22


New member
it looks kind of cool but the fact that it's red jacket for me just screams "HECK NO, SCUBA STEVE!"

I've become completely disenfranchised from redjacket for several reasons. first is the fact that their entire show is completely scripted to add drama for hollywood. anyone who treats their employees like that has issues, even his own daughter is a p-on at his shop. I also doubt the legality of his operation at this point. when a dozen weapons disappeared during an ATF inspection his FFL was revoked and he had to run the shop under an employees FFL, an employee who has since left without even giving notice.

and then they go ahead and build boat mounted AR15s for the navy(as if the 50 cals on them aren't enough) and he was going through acceptance trials for the DOD to start supplying ARs to the military, as if colt(at that time) and FN herstal were SOO hardpressed to keep up with a downsizing military's demands that they have to resort to micro-manufactured ARs to fill the gap...

anything that has to do with red jacket arms or sons of guns is a complete load of bucksnot IMHO.

but anyway that stock looks cool, you should get one:D
lol, i'm with you on the drama in the show, and their prices are ridiculous, but after that episode, i immediately wanted one. when i saw the add for it on my facebook wall the next day, i had to order one.


New member
well it's the only bullpup kit for a 10-22 that doesn't look gawdawful and since it actually resembles a real gun it will probably be a great success and I'm sure it will be decent quality too, I just don't like redjacket as a company.


New member
I think it's cool. They need to make it available in a left handed model. That right side eject will hit a lefty in the face with every shot.


New member
well when ruger makes a left handed 10/22 we'll have to pitch the idea to make it ambidextrous and they can make another horrible episode about it.


New member
$299 for a bolt on bullpup stock that makes the 10/22 look like a PS90 wannabe?

No thanks - although I thinks its another great way to relieve a fool of his money.


New member
I'm with the others that just get an icky feeling from redjacket. But a PS90 has been a desire of mine for a long while and that stock sure does look nice. That being said, I'll stick to saving my money for a real ps90 :D


New member
Wow they are really proud of there stuff (want to use another word in place of stuff that has to do with doing #2, but I cant because of the language filter) I also feel the show is absolute **** (same word I wanted to use before, but cant)........:eek:

Willie Lowman

New member
I'd like to handle one before plunking down the dollars for it. Sure does look cool.

My biggest concern is needing a 18 inch barrel so has a legal OAL. My 10/22 was cut and threaded to 16.1. I don't want to buy a new barrel so I can use a new stock.


New member
That does look really cool. Glad I don't own a 10/22 or I would likely be tempted to get it. In spite of agreeing with everyone else about the company.

The coolest thing about it is that while it is a wannabe PS90, you get to have something that looks cool like that but uses super cheap .22lr ammo. Best of both worlds... :D

Regarding the ambedexrious concerns, it does say there is a shell deflector with it so that it can be ambi... just something I noticed.

Dan, be sure to post pics and let us know what you think when you get it.


New member
Regarding the OAL, if you permanently mounted a suppressor (real or fake) would that make it in compliance with the shorter barrel?
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New member
Yeah it was mainly a question of legalities and what not that popped into my head. I read that a company permanently mounts flash suppressors on short barreled ARs and wondered if the same could be done with a silencer (I know, more of a suppressor).


New member
Thats definately a cool looking kit. Great conversation piece at the range.

As for the show, Will is an arogant SOB. If he gets any more cocky he'll turn into Jessie James (biggest reality douche ever). The scripted drama is lame. IMO American Guns is worse. But I DRV every episode cause of that **** and her hot daughter.

But both shows have increased awareness and interest in firearms and I respect the hell out of that and I thank them. I know Obama has had a big hand in firearm popularity of late but these reality shows have played their part as well.

Back to the thread. RJ quality is pretty good IME. I occasionally go shooting with a guy that has a RJ AK. Its awesome. The fit and finish and quality of build are some of the best ive ever seen on an AK. I can only assume the zk-22 is a solid piece as well.


New member
I watch Red Jacket but its kind of like a car wreck. You dont want to but somehow Im compelled to look. I love bullpup design and even with buying a 10/22 you could be in that setup for $500ish. I dont think there is another bullpup you can get for that kind of money. i just wonder about the quality. After they hung a stun gun on an AR with u-bolts I lost any ounce of respect I had for them. What a hack.