red dot/scope on a early model S&W 617?


New member
Just turned 62 a couple of days ago and the old eyes sure aren't what they used to be so I'm thinking of putting either a red dot or a scope on my early model 617.
The question is: Is it possible to buy a red dot (preferred) or a scope and have a gunsmith drill/install a mount + the cost of said red dot for under $200 bucks. Also I would like to be able to reinstall/use the original iron sight if needed.

I'm not looking for top of the line optics, just something decent at a moderate price range as this is just for occasional target shooting and the $200 buck is absolutely the top of the price range I can go for everything.
*Cheaper would even be better!:D

Harry Bonar

New member

Dear Sir:
I understand, but I still don't like a scope on a handgun! I have one on a Ruger 454 Cassul and the only reason is - Doc gave the outfit to me. All you'll see is hair through a scope - red- dots are slightly better but I wouldn't change it -
Harry B.
Deer are shot so close with a handgun you'll do alright even if your sights blur!


New member
Don't think I'll be deer hunting with my 617 considering it's a .22 rimfire!:confused:
Just want to be able to see the damn sights, even wearing glasses it a bit of a chore.:(

Hunter Customs

New member
Depending on the red dot you are wanting I would say it would be very possible to get it done in the price range you are talking, if you can hand deliver the gun to your smith. Keep in mind if you have to ship the gun you can easily drop $60.00 round trip.
However if you have a friend with an FFL the cost of shipping would be cheaper if the gun is mailed.
Bob Hunter


New member
My model 15 K frame went through the same transformation. Factory pattern holes were drilled and tapped by for $30. Most loacal smiths can handle the job for a similar price.

Mount is from $30. Scope show is a Leupold/Gilmore, but a very good quality UltraDot can be had from for around $120.


Makes all the difference in the world for old eyes.
