Red China, WWIII, and Other Fun Facts


New member
Don't know about the Islamic Union teaming up with Putins' Russia. Putin is currently obliterating Islamic rebels all across Russia's southern provences.

However, I did write a book about a war between China and the US. The Chinese won.
One thing the Tables left out was COSCO. COSCO has many cargo ships that can serve as troop transports, tank carriers and Trojan horses. The Trojan horse is how the PLA took Taiwan in my book.

The West is stricken with a pox of idiocy that it's enemies never seem to catch.


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Shin-Tao:
COSCO has many cargo ships that can serve as troop transports, tank carriers and Trojan horses. The Trojan horse is how the PLA took Taiwan in my book.[/quote]
Just think Australia, Canada and California disarmed.
New trade agreements with China.
The west side of the US has it’s butt hanging out.
What’s on this ship CD players? Blue jeans? Oh twenty thousand troops.
Howdy folks come on in!


Anybody who believes that the chinese can take this country by force is mistaken.

It is propaganda that someone wants you to believe.

The only way that they could come here and take us, is if we are disarmed.

And we all know that aint gonna happen, Right!

