Recruited another one yesterday!


New member
After two years, my boss brought up shooting over lunch yesterday. We've been working together for two years now, and he's well aware how much I shoot, what I have, etc. He kind of mentioned under his breath that with all the violence that has sprung up in our area over the last few years that he had been thinking about getting a nice handgun and taking a CCW class--just for the sake of having the option.
I said "FANTASTIC! What can I help with?"
So he started asking questions about the laws, different scenarios, etc. Lunch lasted a LOT longer than I thought it could... LOL After about an hour he said "The only thing that kind of bothers me is I haven't handled a weapon since Vietnam."

Well, that cinched that. After lunch I picked up ammo, went by my house to pick out the lessons for the afternoon, and promply drug him off to the range for the rest of the day. Needless to say, we have another "addict" in our numbers now. We'll be heading out to a few of the local shops tomorrow to pick out his first personally owned handgun.

:D I brought the AK along for a little "feel-good" fun after the handgun range, and he's now working one of those into the budget as well. Admittedly, mine is pretty damn sweet to shoot (not completely biased--lol) and he thought it was the coolest thing on the planet... :D I love it when I make a successful convert that acts like a little kid at Christmas as they start making their first list... LOL
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All It Takes..... a good dose of positive shooting! I made a friend years ago and have him as a buddy to this day because he was scared off from shooting by another guy he knew. We all know this other guy, he is the "Cowboy-Yahoo-Unsafe-Super Macho..." whatever you want to call this type that belittles others and lords it over them about their shooting prowess and this and that. No offense to cow punchers intended!

All it took to bond us was patience, good information and an easy intro to shooting. Kudos to you sir, we need all the 2nd Amendment folks we can get!


New member
Great job!! Now all we have to do is convince the rest of them.
One at a time is still progress made... Just think how fast numbers would stack up if each of us brought in just two new shooters a year! :D