

New member
Okay, I really want to know what I should get for SHTF (I'd probably be primarily fighting and hunting would be secondary). Here are the guns I've been considering so far.

  • Kel-Tec Sub-2000 9mm carbine (can use 33-round Glock mags)
  • Yugoslavian 59/66 SKS
  • Semiauto AK clone (I've heard the WASR-10s can be troublesome, so I miught go with a Yugo underfolder)
  • Saiga AK
  • CZ 527 Carbine (bolt-action with 18.5" barrel, available in .223 and 7.62x39)

Any thoughts?


Out of those choices, I'd say get an AK for SHTF. If you think you'll be hunting or shooting for slightly better range, get an SKS. A bolt action in .223 or 7.62x39 seems kinda silly, but if thats what you really want...

Also, don't get the Kel-Tec Sub-2000 9mm carbine, get a hi-point for $300 instead. Sure its not hi-cap, but it shoulders a lot easier and feels a hell of a lot more natural. Even though it is not hi-cap, you will still enjoy it a lot more.


New member
Thats a bit high in price for a hi-point. You can usually find them priced at starting at $190.

From what you suggested though I would go with an ak47 clone. Its accurate enough and has enough range for anything justifiable usually and has a clip size and reliability to it. SKS are nice but with smaller clips. Still would work.


New member
The Saiga in 308 Win......

surplus ammo, and NATO round..... The high point would make a good CQB weapon, but a lousy food stick.. Not that a saiga is the perfect hunting rifle.. Why not a cheap shotgun? Slugs and shot.. As far as the SHTF thing. If your protecting your family, you wont be engaging very many enemy past 100 yds. Shoot and RUN! If your in the resistance movement, the Saiga in 308, or the scatter gun! My 2 cents:D

quack fiend

New member
a well-built FAL (non-century) would be good in the defensive role, 7.62 nato round, very tough and reliable, easy disassembly, i even used one for deer-hunting with good success