Recommendations please..


New member
I'm looking for a handgun in .357SIG . I want it to be a mid to full size tactical grade handgun. any suggestions?? I wouldn't mind building one on a 1911 style if that's what is needed. Please keep in mind that I live in Massachusetts so my choices are somewhat limited.

Swamp Yankee

New member
Mid-size/Compact recommend Sig P229 or Beretta Cougar 8357(?)
Prefer the Sig but I don't know if you can buy either in Mass.
Full Size recommend the Sig P226.
Again no idea what is legal up there north the border.
Take Care


I'd go with either the Glock or Beretta Cougar. Both are great guns. I have them both in 40S&W and hope to get some 357 barrels soon.

Dr Heckel

New member
For mid to full size any of the Sigs are a great choice, which one would be whatever fits your likes best. If you'd be willing to go to a compact, I highly recommend the USP compact. Its accurate, reliable, easy to carry, and one of the most durable out there.


New member
My suggestion is to go ahead and look at some of the glock models. I think there may not be legal in Mass. Look at the sigs too.


New member
With a 1911 you could get one in .40S&W (e.g. Kimber) and convert it to .357 Sig with just a new barrel. However, what I would do instead is convert a .38 Super or 9mm 1911 to 9x23 Winchester and get an even hotter cartridge. Oddly enough, 9x23 ammo is actually pretty inexpensive. Or you could just step up and join the 10mm cult. :D


New member
The Glock 32 .357 Sig recoils badly, but its really awesome to shoot! Hard to explain, just try it if you can.


I have owned a lot of 357 sigs. Here is the list. GLock 31, 24 w/kkm barrel and 33. Sig 239 229 229 sport. Browning highpower converted.

Of these the 31 is the best for tactical work. Sigs are fine handguns but da sa guns are always at a disadvantage for first shot accuracy. And Sigs recoil more because of thier high bore axis. You could get a 35 and then buy a kkm 357 sig barrel.


New member
Glocks produced after October of 1998 are non-transferable in the Commonwealth of Mass (i.e. you can own one but you can't transfer it to anyone). SIGArms has a whole line of pistols which are compliant with the AG's consumer protection regulations. They are generally designated with the standard model numbers followed by an "M"(i.e. 226M) and are one of the few non-S&W choices for those looking for a NIB pistol. I know there are 226s and 239s among the Mass compliant line but I'm not sure if there are any chambered for the 357 SIG. Might be worth calling SIG to ask which calibers are in their M line-up and who's stocking the ones you want. While Four Seasons Firearms in Woburn has generally had a very large assortment of various pre 1998 Glocks, I do not recall seeing any chambered for the 357 (31, 32, or 33). Also probably worth a call to get their read on the availability of 357s.

Good luck.


New member
Sig P229. Originally designed by Sig for .40 and .357Sig.

I've never noticed any higher recoil in my Sigs v. Glocks.

If you really want a "tactical" grade firearm, I would suggest you consider a .45 caliber full-size pistol instead, like a 1911 style or an Sig 220 or H&K USP.