Recommendations for handgun case?


New member
I'm looking for a sturdy, lockable case that will hold two handguns. It would be nice if it met TSA standards (or whatever they're called) if I need to travel by air. Does anyone have any brands/models they would particularly recommend?


New member
Pelican = Rolls Royce

There are cheaper options, but I can wholeheartedly, 100%, no fine print recommend the Pelican 1490 or 1450. I got three in a 1490; I'm sure 2 would fit just fine in a 1450 to save a little $$.


If you just want any old case, Cabelas and Midway both have lots of options that'll probably work.

By the way, do not get a TSA lock. They have no reason to be opening my case.
Pelican are nice and so are SKB.

I have and SKB I bought can hold two but I set it up for one. It is a pic-n-pac foam insert that can be customized to your gun. It comes in larger and smaller sizes.

